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orange bastard

donald trump

hey it’s the orange bastard

by dadbod69 May 26, 2020

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bitchin bastard

A male who is extremly annoying, to a point to where you think they had no father to teach them any better

That guy Ross's father must have bolted on his mother because he is a bitchin bastard.

by Vinnie March 30, 2005

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Bastard marks

1.)When you take your moms car (usually automatic and front wheel drive) and drive in y our back yard on the lawn after your dad had spent hours mowing. You come to a stop at one end and put it in nuetral. You rev the motor loud and high and drop it into gear, you proceed to tear up the grass leaving long brown streaks of dirt and continue untill tire spinning stops, you then pull over and measure the marks by walking over them and counting your steps, you then compare it to last weeks.

Eric: You ready to do some bastard marks? My mom just left with my dad.
Alex: Aw hell ya!

Corolla: BWaaAaaAAaaAAaaAAAAaaAAaa....
Eric: That was Awesome!!! 93 Feet!!!!
Alex: Thats 3 feet better then last week! YEA!!!!
Erics dad 3 hours later: What the fuck is that in the back yard?
Eric: Like those bastard marks?!?
Erics Dad: *shakes head in dissapointment*
Eric: Oh, you love it! * He then looks at his mom and pushes her* what!? What!? you want some? you want some? ya thats right, what you lookin at?

by Its mE Alex January 10, 2006

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shafty bastard

terrible at enemy territory and/or extremely emo

You know that team seven clan and especially that shafty bastard is terrible at enemy territory

by Kenyon_45 February 4, 2006

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cherry bastard

A player for or supporter of Gloucester Rugby Football Club.

"Have it you cherry bastard, Bristol done you at the Memorial!"

by PurplePingu December 23, 2006

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Veiny Bastard

A sperm filled dick that has been primed for ejaculation onto/into, preferably, the face, tits, back, armpits, ass, or vagina.

Kim took a load in the face from Juan's veiny bastard.

by The Digg March 1, 2008

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spherical bastard

A real prick

He's a spherical bastard. No matter which way you look at him, He's still a bastard.

by Scooby January 10, 2003

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