A disguised jail. Were kids are force to wake up everyday of their life so early to make their life a living hell and make them be stuck in school so they wont bother grown ups. And make them learn useless stuff wich they don't need to know. Cause they are suppose to be in church learning about GOD and waiting to die and go to heaven and never going to need that stupid information cause we all going to die!!!!!!! wasted time!!!
"hi i am a nerd and i am such a stupid person. i have no life. books are my friends. i am going to be a stupid nerdy doctor and i don't care if i waste my life and die oneday without discovering what life is all about and about enjoying it."
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A torture chamber where they think they can torture children.
Oh man, I have to go to school:(
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A jail for teenagers for simply existing. You wake up at 6am in the morning to get in a big yellow locker room that actually smells worse than the locker rooms to go to a rectangular shaped building with too much security. You may think this is a jail, but im serious this is a school. We then go from classroom to classroom with short four-minute breaks to get there on time, meaning there is no time to do anything. If youre late, youre marked absent. We get useless, irrelevant content, yet we dont know what tax is or how to pay it! Then, we get TESTED on this and if we fail because we dont understand, we get yelled at by our parents and everything we own gets taken away. This totally defeats the purpose of learning in the first place, and causes a burden of stress upon students. Meanwhile, you are forced to interact with people who probabally cant even solve a Google Captcha, and the only thing they talk about is sex. The only time they talk to you is to make you feel miserable. And when we get home, we have to do homework. If you already taught us what we need to know in school, why give us more work?? The teachers and staff ignore you, even if you are being bullied or need help, because they are there for the money. You dont need to know math or science unless youre becoming a mathmatitian or a scientist. Parents, I challenge you--did your job employer ask you to solve a math problem before you got hired?
TLDR-- A jail for teenagers for existing, the main causer of stress.
If you actually need to know the things school is "teaching" you in the "real world", there's a little thing called Google.
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The punishment for turning 5 years old. Having to be inside a prison 7 hours a day, 5 of which are spent in slavery, 5 days a week, 38 weeks a year, 14 years of our lives. And on top of all that, 2 hours of homework every day. None of what we learn in school is actually useful apart from basic reading, writing and arithmetic.
Judge: You have been found GUILTY of turning 5 years old! You are sentenced to 14 years of SCHOOL!
Child: Can't I have 10 years in prison instead?
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place where teachers force you to do weird stuffs like... (how do they call it???)...hmmm... study (i think)!!!!
i tried it once and i got sick
dont you ever try it!!! if you go to school youll "unlearn"
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An evil institution created to manipulate young minds to believe they are victims to society and that the world owes them.
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The single fucking worst place in the whole fucking world. Prepare to be brainwashed, humiliated and manipulated, forced to learn useless crap, treated as a stupid slave and be totally stripped of any creativity, originality or talent that you may possess. School is a risk to physical and mental health, and should be avoided at all costs. The myth about some countries having better education systems than others is one big huge fat government lie. Millions of good, productive people go in, but millions of dumbshit psycho criminals come out of it.
Also see: prison
I honestly can't help wondering why going to school could in any way be useful.
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