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(adj) The act of being cool in a stoner way; to mesh with the stoner crowd; having a similar attitude to that of a stoner.

See that mellow guy hanging out over there? He's pretty stoner-rific.

by Herian August 12, 2010

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stoner's lap

One who is high and has everything they carry with them on their lap and do not remember how it got there. Coming to realization, that everything is piled on their lap.

Guy 1: "dude why do I have so much shit on my lap?"
Guy 2: "dude, you have stoner's lap!"

by rayemy June 22, 2009

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stoner's nap

So high on drugs to the point where your fast asleep.

Aaron smoked an excessive amount of weed yesterday and went into a stoner's nap.

by TheGamingGamer1 May 20, 2014

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Robbie Stoner

A fatass boy who likes extremely ugly girls and is obesse and likes to say melk instead of milk. He is the type of person who will eat you!!! Be aware if you ever no a Robbie Stoner!! Who is also very very very very desprate. He may even date guys.... who knows

Dude robbie stoner just asked out 4 girls today!! wow what a fatass

by Sk8boarder21 June 6, 2009

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stoner dick

like whisky dick, but the stoner equivalent. when a guy can't get it up because he's too high or just smokes too much.

"I was just steamrollin' hit after hit with the cute stoner chick but when we tried to fuck, I had stoner dick" said the lonely weed dealer

by giant purple anteater December 22, 2011

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Stoner's Delight

A McChicken and a McDouble put into one, respectively with the McChicken in between the two patties.

"Dude I just watched Narnia and this kid had Turkish delight"
"Screw that man let's go to the magical land of McDonalds and get some Stoner's Delights!!!"
"sounds like an orgasm in your mouth"
"it is"

by SmokeyMcPot42069 February 25, 2009

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Stoner Sleep

The act of sleeping early and waking up extremely late the next day at 4 in the afternoon

Izzy:(Phone ringing in background/Door opening)ZzzzZzzz

Alfred:Damn Izzy wake the fuck up I called you 12 time and its 5 in the afternoon.

Izzy:Oh shit for reals.

Alfred:Fuck yea man you need to lay off that Hawaiian Snow man that shit is giving you some serious Stoner Sleep.

by AlfredoAppiahsauce June 27, 2009

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