Source Code

hard corner

meaning a corner of the street where illegal activities happen...such as drug dealing, pimping, prostitution, hanging out, smoking blunts, being mischiefous, etc.

Shaniqua: Hey nigga, lets hang out at the "hard corner". Let's try to pick up some tricks. I havent smoked crack all day and i am feening for some crack.

by blthrskt November 26, 2005

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A person (most likely and idiot or dumbass) who lives and breathes twilight. The people are characterized by their fucking annoying nature and their idiotic beleif that vampires do exist and that they will marry the fictional faggot known as edward cullen and someday take his virginity.

person A: Whats the most annoying part of twilight?
person B: What?
person A: the fans (twi-hards)

by Idontwant A. Pseudonym June 23, 2011

21πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

hard cheese

a situation that is bad or something that is not good

"You ran over the neighbor's puppy, that's hard cheese."
"That sweeper lasted only 3 days, that thing is hard cheese."

by Icy_Hot November 14, 2007

21πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

piss hard-on

n. also piss hard; an erection induced by a need to empty the bladder upon awakening, with flaccidity returning as the bladder is drained. Wanking a piss hard-on produces no pleasure.

Tyrone awoke with a tentpole erection, but realized his piss hard was simply a need to relieve himself and not penetrate Brie Ann again.

by Richard Black May 8, 2005

55πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž

got hard

The act of a man’s penis getting hard. The moment when a man feels his penis harden as a psychosomatic response to something titillating.

I got hard while kissing my girlfriend. She’s so hot, and I appreciate her.

by QueenAria March 27, 2018

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Hard Dick

Middle aged to older man, usually divorced multiple times, frequents bars that cater to a much younger, hipper crowd. Will be found leaning against the prime drink ordering spot at the bar. This is to insinuate himself into conversations between younger, clearly out of his league, women, with what he thinks is witty banter. This Hard Dick will be shot down repeatedly, even by very intoxicated women.

Typical attire will include: Member’s Only jacket, polo shirt, poly blend slacks, and boat shoes.
Accoutrements: Wall Street Journal, Blackberry, Corvette key fob with a Honda car key, watch that appears to be a Rolex but will either be a knock off or the least expensive model made.

Irritates all bartenders with his overly familiar comments, and does not tip well. Male equivalent to the Female β€œBar Fly.” Must be swept out with the trash.

If you are approached by the Hard Dick, a stern β€œNO!” accompanied by a sharp snap of the fingers will stun him long enough to make an escape. Do not accept his offer of a cocktail, as this only encourages further conversation and bad behavior.

β€œI don’t care how thirsty you are Trix! If you take that beer, that Hard Dick will follow us around all night. He’s a total cock block.”

by Dirty Lulu November 29, 2007

70πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž


A chick who pretends to be bisexual in an attempt to make herself more attractive to guys....when in reality she would never go near the twat.

What a couple of bi-hards, sucking face on the speakers...fuckin pathetic.

by Fiona Bonham February 9, 2004

29πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž