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how to be beautiful

First of all you shouldn’t even be searching this because honey you are BEAUTIFUL you don’t need to look on a website on how to be beautiful, you are beautiful and I may not see you through this screen but I don’t care I know that you are beautiful and you are a beautiful person so if someone tells you you are not beautiful you can either A. Beat the shit out of them. Or B. Not give a shit what they say. Well you shouldn’t anyways. And yes i may be typing this while crying my eyes out because of how ugly and fat I am but I just want to let you know that you are beautiful and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

I don’t need to use “how to be beautiful” in a sentence because the person reading this is fucking GORGEOUS

by IsabellaRod_93 August 4, 2021

beautiful furry

a furry but very beautiful god bless.

Zena is so pretty furry furry pretty beautiful furry wow

by Ghostthot August 29, 2019

Martha the beautiful

She is amazing, kind and smart. She will always pick the weebs to be her boyfriend and is currently dating Murray. She loves him very much even known he hangs around with his friends more then her, Especially Hannah and Isla B. She is amazing and pretty and the best person ever you should be friends with a girl called Martha.

Love Martha the beautiful a lot because she has abusive parents. Donate £200 a month to help children in need like Martha x

by person who writes definoitonss December 23, 2020

stay beautiful

best song ever

person 1: hey have you heard stay beautiful by TS

person 2: slay its so so good

by tsfan101 November 7, 2022

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You're Beautiful

a song by English singer-songwriter James Blunt. It was written by Blunt, Sacha Skarbek and Amanda Ghost for Blunt's debut album, Back to Bedlam (2004). It was released as the third single of the album in 2005.

Yes, she caught my eye
As we walked on by
She could see from my face that I was
Fucking high
And I don't think that I'll see her again
But we shared a moment that will last 'til the end
You're Beautiful
You're Beautiful
You're Beautiful, it's true

by SPrice1980 April 28, 2023

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Ew Beauty

A gross or disgusting hockey or video game play

*after you shit on kids in siege*

by delilah42069 March 11, 2021

Aging Beauty

Women who were very beautiful in their youth, and are struggling to keep their youthful beauty despite growing old. Typically in her 40s or 50s, an aging beauty pays many visits to her plastic surgeon for Botox, fillers, and more, in order to keep a youthful appearance. Her validation comes from being considered beautiful from others. She may be depressed that she is growing old, and that soon, fillers and Botox will not maintain her beauty anymore.

“What did you think of Alicia when you met her at that party yesterday?”

“She’s okay, she seemed like a cool aging beauty

by ilovecottoncandy January 4, 2020