Ha1zel..wtf is a tik tok user who likes the dsmp and anime, they use they/them pronouns and they are very nice,funny and cool! They are the best
Hey have you heard of the user Ha1zel..wtf on tik tok?
Yes! They are so cool!
Wtf artistry is about creating beautiful Wtf moments, where the artist needs to devise something so ridiculous, absurd or surprising to either produce a divine Wtf expression on the victim's face, or some sort of an intriguing (usually funny) reaction.
I just read something so ridiculously absurd but funny that I am convinced this was deliberate Wtf artistry.
An interjection used when in shock.
Expressing anger or shock to a group of people
Amy: My boyfriend cheated on me
Katleho: wtf bazalwane! Why would he do that?
This is a common syndrom that usually occurs to people within the ages of 15-25. This syndrom usually affects emotionally unstable people that are fat and have bad acne. The cause of this syndrom is usually applied when an alcoholic wakes up on sunday morning with hangover and realizes that they were left on the beach in central canada naked, during the harshest winter of the decade.
oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, where the fuck am i?! holy fuck im going to be in urbandictionary because i have wtf syndrom.
A polite way to ask for an address of a friend while expressinging drunken enthusiasm about goings on.
As your friend wtf is your address sounds dope lfg
omg guys wtf is lil christ doing!!!!! in the retarded closet!!!!!!!!!!!! wtf he also left the door oh no guys!!!!!!!!! wtf!!!!!!!! lil christ what are you doing!!!!!!!! ahhhhh!!!!
guys wtf is lil christ doing!!! oh no..... why does he do wtf in the closet every night when i come home!!!!!! OMG HE CAME OUT OF THE CLOSET WTF OH GOD OH FUCK!!!!!!!!! MOMMMMMY!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
The wholesome way of saying : YOU DIDNT KNOW? What? Wtf $@&%#. When someone should know something
You : Hey
Then : Who this
You : Wtf Izaiah
You : ITS ME
Them : OMG