Source Code

Drop a Douche

When your dumbshit friend asks you if you just dropped a douche after returning from a long trip to the bathroom. In reality your friend means drop a deuce but because he is a dumbshit and doesn't know what douche means he says drop a douche.

Man **insert name** is a dumbshit, he asked me if I was going to drop a douche.

by rackassddf3df June 10, 2009

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douche bag

|a| - someone who;; talks shit, starts shit, wont finish their shit, &&and the end of the day still thinks they own the universe.

closely related to;; asshole

"god, he walks around and acts like hes the best thing in the world when really no one likes him. what a douche bag."

by twin. July 24, 2005

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Douche Monger

Worse than a Douchbag. A Super Douchebag prick that likes to hang out with other Lesser Douchebag Friends, gathering them around him so he can feel like more of a douchebag than the Douchebags he mongered.
AKA Chandler from Friends.

"Jerry, you fucking Douche Monger, tell your friends to go home!"

by Hazard October 24, 2003

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Curb Douche

n. Someone who, purposefully or due to ignorance, parallel parks in such a way that space sufficient for two cars is taken up by his/her one car.

Aaron: Josh, you should pull up all the way to those garbage cans.
Josh: Why? We're right in front of Vanessa's house.
Aaron: Yeah but more people will be coming and parking's a bitch. Don't be such a curb douche.

by The Atomic Pun July 14, 2009

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big douche

Noun-assface; jackass; knucklehead

1. big douche

first person: Dude, i saw this guy at the mall and he was the definition of a big douche.

Second person: Oh really, was it Jefe?

first person: Actually, yea it was!

by Jefe's mom April 26, 2011

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Douche Milk

A dead beat dad that milks everything and everyone in his path. Instead of shit talking him in front of the child, you just call him douche milk.

Rob, oops, I mean douche milk is such a ridonkulous hipster zen wannabe.

by Diana in Oregon January 24, 2009

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couch douche

it's when you get a guest from couch surfing and they end up being a douche bag.

Jill: so hows the guy staying on your couch?
John: oh maan he's such a couch douche, I cant wait till he leaves.

by ubcanth2010-couchdouche October 8, 2010

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