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er nurse

Bad ass mother fucking nurse that puts up with all the bull shit and saves lives

My mommy is a ER nurse

by Blue collar boy December 14, 2022


The ultimate mic drop quantifying word that means this is the most (blank) that there can be for this subject. THE END!!!

This is how you let your woman/man that you love them the most, the mostest-er

I love you mostest-er.
Fritz: I love you
Kendra: I love you….
Fritz: I love you more….
Kendra: I love you most……
Fritz: (ahem) well I love you mostest-er
Kendra: (eye roll, then a squinty smile) you dork. Kiss me

by Gator loves Kendra October 23, 2023


more than mostest

i love you mostest-er

by danielchbs_ December 4, 2020



A person that truths everything that is seen, heard, smelled, touched and felt.

Man she sure is hip-erbolic. She calls it as she senses it. She’s a truth teller. What an amazing 😉 person to be so very in tune with her perceptions. She’s amazingly hip-er-bolic. More people need to be hip-er-bolic.. the world 🌎 would be a better place if people were truly REAL and BOLD enough to 🐝in Tune with their authentic selves.
She loves being hip-er-bolic.

A person that uses there senses or intuition as their guide to authentic truth.

by #vally August 2, 2019


A slightly less offensives way to say the N word, cribbed from Winnie the Pooh's friend Tigger and his way of spelling his name.( Still offensive as hell to the right people, so use this with care. Not resposible for possible repercussions.) Usually followd by further mangling of Winnie the Pooh with "The wonderful thing about niggers, is niggers are wonderful things......"

That guy over there is such a n-i-double-guh-er!

by mystical007_488 August 25, 2022


a little understood piece of computing equipment originating from the Bristol area, quite close to the heart of those who enjoy doing a ton twenty in a transit van!

your roo-er is broken

by peterbernard April 2, 2007


The word means the cutest girl in the world!!!! This word could only be used on one girl and she knows who she is :)!!!

Hey cutest-er!

by Cutest-er simp :) June 8, 2021