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don’t like

things that chief keef does not like such as fuck niggas, bitch niggas, and sneak dissers

a fuck nigga that’s that shit i don’t like, a bitch nigga that’s that shit i don’t like, a snitch nigga that’s that shit i don’t like, sneak dissers that’s that shit i don’t like.

by cole.simpson December 9, 2019

17👍 4👎

Like whore

A person that excessively abuses the "Like" feature on Facebook.

Facebook Status: "I just wrecked my car".
- Like Whore likes this.

by Slunjan May 21, 2009

70👍 56👎

Like a Hawk

To describe a characteristic of something by relating it to a hawk, even when the Hawk is not known to share that characteristic.

Do you think your mom heard us? Yes, she has ears like a hawk.

by Joshua Cooney September 20, 2008

17👍 10👎

likee dykee

A straight man who enjoys the company of lesbians. The flip-side of 'fag hag'.

A confirmed Likee Dykee, Dave was happiest with his best mates, Mel, Toni, and Sue.

by Dizzy C January 19, 2012

Hurricane Likes

When your recent uploaded photo in Facebook receives quicker likes (hurricane speed) within your estimated time.

I received Hurricane likes for my Bboying pics clicked at Chicago streets. It's feel so good after I managed to get few likes last year.

by Moulish Rated - R Punk June 5, 2015


Containing both the positive and negative aspects of life as a monk at the same time.

That guy "Taoist Monk" seems to exude both the positive and negative sides of being a monk. On one hand he means well and seems to be helpful but he's also celibate. He' seems very Monk-like.

by Bigbabyjesus54 July 21, 2016


A Person or someone who is like a horse or similar personality traits to a horse.

Louie: Alex have you seen Charlie's girlfriend , she's so clapped.
Alex: Yh I know right she's so horse-like

by JEEEEEhaaaa November 18, 2020