When SkyWarped33 does something that doesn't make sense, but makes perfect sense to him.
Xend: Wait, why did you cover your hands entirely with hot glue?
Sky: Sky Logic
Atomic: But that doesn't make any sense!
Sky: It does with Sky Logic
Logicable: term used to express the possibility of a noun or event being logical
It is completely logicable to presume the air filter was changed because we have no trouble breathing.
Logical Extraphysicalism, also Empirical Extraphysicalism, Rational Extraphysicalism or (sometimes) neoextraphysicalism, is an extraphysicalist philosophy and view that holds that the only way to know about reality and existence is by extraphysics such as the reality and existence as a whole are essentially extraphysical. Logical extraphysicalism also seeks on the empirical and logical studies about extraphysics, using of epistemological pluralism for do so, and believes that we will only be able to understand about extraphysics and its properties through epistemological pluralism advocating the using and testing of several methods and technologies until discover extraphysics and develop an evidence based extraphysics and even an evidence based extraphysicalism, evidence based spirituality and so on. Logical Extraphysicalism also advocates that natural sciences cannot determine, prove or disprove extraphysical things, extraphysical properties and extraphysics itself, being necessary the use of epistemological pluralism in order to determine, prove or disprove extraphysical things, extraphysical properties and extraphysics itself.
"Logical Extraphysicalism will be really useful in the future when extraphysicalism become hegemonic among spiritual and esoteric people, but there's a long path until it and more concepts might be developed until reaching so."
Anto logic is a new-found way of thinking. It suggests that anything that other people say (especially from Bulgaria) are extremely false. This origin of “Antonella logic” is from Mendoza, Argentina
What a beautiful Anto logic you have!
Anto logic is a new-found way of thinking. It suggests that anything that other people say (especially from Bulgaria) are extremely false. This origin of "Antonella logic" is from Mendoza, Argentina.
What a beautiful Anto logic you have!
Anto logic is a new-found way of thinking. It suggests that anything that other people say (especially from Bulgaria) are extremely false. This origin of "Antonella logic" is from Mendoza, Argentina
What a beautiful Anto logic you have!
Caring about building happiness in the moment, a fairytale story, rather than anything in the future--where the building could lead to a fairytale tragedy or a fairytale happy ending--and since the logic used to get to the result was to build a fairytale, the type of ending doesn't matter.
Griffin: I worked my ass off to graduate from college in biology.
Sam: How was it?
Griffin: I used fairytale logic. If I didn't get the degree, that's life, since I made every moment I lived into a fairytale as best I could. And look what happened. I earned the degree, so it was a happy ending. But it was fun!