To masturbate, to pleasure oneself.
I caught my little brother doing a Giuliani Tuck in his bedroom.
To accomplish an objective following a skillful charge.
Amar'e Stoudemire Justin-Tucked it to the hoop and slam-dunk over Michael Beasley.
Defensive ends must learn to Justin Tuck it when they face the Cowboys: they must learn to bowl over the offensive line, force Tony Romo to the turf, and cause him to cry and complain to the refs that the defense was "mean" to him.
To be a pussy; one that is scared.
Oh stop being a little pooch tuck and come talk to me.
Brushing your teeth and flossing.
brush, tuck, and tape in the morning.
Where barbie goes to do gymnastics.
Hi! I’m Barbie! I like to go to Ken-tuck-y to do some gymnastics and flips after I spend some time at my Barbie Dream house.
When two people are having sex and a guy has duck fecies in his hand and shove it up her anus, and having the ducks testicles going in her vagina and tucked in there for it to be pushed down even further while having intercourse while the whole time the woman is quacking
Would you like to The duck'n tuck tonight?
When you either dating someone or you’re talking to a person who you really want to be with forever
Ex: me and John tucked...we going ghost