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a hypocrit by all means. one who accuses "preps" of being clones and shopping at stores like abercrombie and fitch when, in reality, they themselves are clones, all shopping at the salvation army and hot topic..all wearing the same "nice people suck" and
random death certificate t-shirts. They swear upon originality and they swear upon individuality and uniqueness when they are so lacking in all these areas. these hypocrites judge others when they ask to not be judged themselves.
Origination of the anti-prep: usually start to evolve into the anti prep in grade school when it becomes apparant that they are lacking in any kind of skill, motivation, good looks etc...
The anti-preps usually cannot find friends with the more athletic, good looking, intelligent, skillful people so out of jealousy they recruit others of the same unfortunate fate.
synonyms: freaks,wannabe marilyn manson, hicks,wiggers,geeks,not cools,scrubs

Because Darien was still dressed by his mother and because Darien did not excell at anything, he declared himself anti-prep. Too bad Darien couldnt fit in with anyone else. aww poor darien. now instead of wearing gap clothing he'll wear all his clothes from an unorigional black t-shirt clothing store.

by famously kondrk July 8, 2003

37๐Ÿ‘ 50๐Ÿ‘Ž

County Prep

school with a buncha retards who didnt get into academic or hi tech

Man that kid can barely read he must go to CP.

by silentbob November 15, 2003

48๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž

georgetown prep

douches...think their good at sports cause their facilities are nice.

Wow look at Georgetown Prep's gym but look at those fags using it

by Preppie30 December 30, 2010

56๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

prep lite

like a prep, but a little more tendy, not as clean cut. they wear polos and things, but shop more at abercrombie than red vines, and things like that. theres definatly nothing wrong with this, prep lites love the beauty of preppiness, but arent as strict wih the "rules" many prep lites are so in highschool, mabey college, then grow into preps. both respect eachother and are friends, its a great thing. prep lites are found in the upper-middle class, as preps are found in high class. goths and punks of course, can not see the diffrence. standining people may call A&F people preps, and the preps should correct them nicely. its like diet coke to coke. preps play tennis, while lite preps are cheerleaders and football stars.

emo kid= gosh those prepe at abercrombie are horrible bitches for having money and friends and lives.

prep= first, a&f people are not preps, but their on theyre way and are really awesome people. and also, your a loser for even talking about anything involving the word prep.

prep lite= yeah you faggoty little emo kid. preps are like our big siblings, show some respect you drug addict freak.

by kccc =] May 15, 2007

24๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Poly Prep

An expensive school that makes everyone who doesn't attend the school seem like it's the best school ever, but is actually filled with the most retarded kids you'll ever meet.

Jessica: Wow, I wanna go to Poly Prep for high school! It's for really smart kids!
*attends poly prep*
*Three weeks later*
Jessica: Damn these kids are really... interesting.
*turns into Poly kids*
*loses all friends outside of Poly for becoming a typical retarded student at Poly Prep*

by Somebody who you don't know October 24, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Oratory Prep

The Oratory Preparatory School, simply called Oratory by many, is a private, all-boys, catholic high school located between Morristown and Summit, New Jersey. The school is widely considered to โ€œcompeteโ€ with other boys schools like Delbarton and Seaton Hall Prep, both in sports and in terms of student enrollment. Oratory has a big rivalry with these schools, while, as big as loosing every single sports game could be. Oratory has a reputation of failure when it comes to sports, being outclassed by the jocks at Seaton hall and the rich geeks at Delbarton almost every time. The result is that Oratoryโ€™s students become the brunt of many jokes and get little affection from any possible girlfriends. This is such a problem that many students have turned to homosexuality to fulfill there โ€œneedsโ€ due to the lack of any pussy to molest or to insert the tiny dicks into. And believe me, if there were female students at oratory there would be a lot of non-consentual (rape) incidents, so we can all pray to God that there arenโ€™t any. Gays have become so numerous at oratory that the names Oral-tory and Oratory-fag-atory have become common. Oratory boys kids day that there special, and that they are becoming true gentleman by going there, this is a lie, kids only go there because they didnโ€™t want to go to a public school. Beacuse in essence, oratory is a boys-only public school for those who want to feel like they are special or above โ€œthe common folkโ€.

Oliver (Delbarton kid): Oh, look its the fag-bag.
Anthony (Oratory kid): Donโ€™t say that slur, I will report you to my coach and your coach! Oratory Prep the best man!
Steven (Seaton hall kid): DoNโ€™t SaY tHaT sLuR!
Oliver: *uses shoelaces to make noose and hanges himself on an exit sigh*

by NJman6969 December 27, 2018

9๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Georgetown Prep

The best catholic school in America. Prep guys are rich, popular, athletic, and we know it too. We are better than every other school around and nobody can touch us when it comes to athletics. I mean, we're so fucking good that all the little gay ass teams in the IAC kicked us out of the IAC in football because we kept kicking their asses consistently every year. Our lax team is usually in the top 10 in the country every year, and our seniors usually move on to Ivy League schools and end up making millions of dollars while Landon, Gonzaga, Dematha, Bullis, St. Johns and Good Counsel kids pump our gas, mow our lawns, and shine our shoes. We get all the hottest chicks and no girl can deny us.

(At a Party)
Georgetown Prep guy: Hey, where do you go to school?
Gonzaga guy: I go to Gonzaga.
Prep guy: Wait, then what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be mowing my lawn?

by Go Prep Beat Landon April 14, 2006

145๐Ÿ‘ 247๐Ÿ‘Ž