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gotta new rod

Chick found a new rooster,lady is riding a new stud ect..

Sam gotta new rod !she hasn’t left it alone yet she seems to be enjoying herself!

by IwasThereAndSeenitForMyself November 13, 2019

fart rod

Any object which is inserted into the anus.

Fags possess many fart rods among them.

by Matija Lazic June 1, 2006

Lead rod

A male sex organ that can survive a neuclear fallout

Man that thing is a lead rod!

by Mernuckle March 20, 2019

rod rancher

A guy who maintains a stable of throbbing rods at his beck and call. Also, a guy who you really don't like at all.

"Wow, that dude is gayer than a Brokeback Mountain action figure playset with a squirtgun full of sweetened condensed milk!"

"Definitely a rod rancher, for sure."

by General Lee A. Dumas December 3, 2013

Rod Stewart

The original fuckboi.

Adam: Who the fuck is Rod Stewart?
Steve: The original O.G. Fuckboi.. This guy was fuckboi-ing before fuckboi-ing.

by goldengrey1776 December 13, 2021

rod knocking

The term used when 2 men are having vaginal sexual intercourse at the same time, and their members bump into each other intervaginally.

Employee #1 getting a cup of coffee: Hey, what did you do over the weekend?
Employess #2 getting a cup of coffee: Went to a movie and did laundry, you know, the usual... You?
Employee #1 getting a cup of coffee: Frank and Bob came over last night and they did some rod knocking in my wallered out cooch, you know the usual (then points and waves at Frank and Bob)

by Spanks Johnson December 3, 2017

Phantom Rod

What she may feel an hour or more after sex.

Damn, that sex was so good, i`ve had phantom rod for 3 hours now.

by Suinbeda November 4, 2011