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Shart Freckled

When somebody sharts on your face, leaving tiny, shitty, spots on it that look like freckles.

Look at this, I Shart Freckled that passed-out lightweight.

by Jesus Dressed in Black January 19, 2022

Shart Eater

Someone or Something, that farts but poops and starts to eat and smell it while sucking on there toes

That Jamaal guy is such a shart eater.

by Dooki man May 26, 2021

warm sharts

When you try to fart but some shit comes out of your ass and its warm

I have warm sharts in my pants

by Real definer36 January 31, 2017

shart nugget

A little child says this when is too scared to say shit or another cuss word


by qwert1234567891011121314151617 May 23, 2023

ice shart

the muddy slush of snow found in sidewalks and mostly on the sides of roads, very gross

person A: dude, why are your shoes so dirty?
person B: oh I stepped in ice shart
person A: ooooh

by wapqueen3659 January 15, 2022


A shart is a word for poo (the naughty word version) and fart it means that you farted and poopooed at the same time

Nessa barret sharted on her Live

by Thecoolschoolgirl November 2, 2020


when you think you are going to fart but a load and messy shit comes out in stead.

"oh dang I started all over my grandma, and now she is covered in wet poop and moist oder. " I love eating my fat sharts

by Kitkatthebat March 23, 2021