When a man is dating an older woman.
That 20 year old grave chaser must be dating that cougar for her money.
The kind of guy that chases tomato's (it girls) until they love him, then leaves them and finds a new tomato.
I shouldn't have fallen in love with him, he is just a tomato chaser
A guy solely interested in someone’s physical attributes with no regard for their emotions or personality.
Conor is such a body chaser. He told me he liked me last night to get me into bed, but when I told him he couldn’t hit it from behind he totally ghosted me. I should have known better since he only complimented my body.
a terrible excuse for Force Thirteen. Anime that's overrated in the Force Thirteen community.
Tornado chasers is also a show where you can meet the very hot Nathan Foy.
this niga basically chases clout and dick rides all "mandem" with clout for popularity because he is midget and cant interact with normal size people
"its the clout hcaser"
"stay away from the clout chaser"
Someone who’s non-Native American that fucks a Native American
John Doe is Irish, and he’s a feather chaser because fucking Jane Runswithtrouble who’s southeastern Arapaho.
Its the act of chasing a ginger. Its a cleat chaser for gingers not baseball players
Hot ginger at bar = Girl asking to go home with him = hey that girl so wants that ginger, she is a ginger chaser!