Joely Coon is the biggest knob ever to walk the face of the earth. He is awfully cocky and for some unknown reason, believes he is a chick magnet. In his spare time, you can find him sending cringe worthy streaks, such as 'Heyy yoooooo'. But he's a pretty decent guy to scab food from, cause he always seems to be carrying it. But when your in a time of crisis, Joely is always there for you. That's why he's a great friend
''Your acting like a Joely Coon'
'Surely I'm not that bad'
Another term for mount Union pa because of the everlasting coon population sense the 50s.Main head corders of coon king dontavis.
“ I’m going to coon Union to buy some drugs from the king”
Craziest peda spot on a river between mountains to hike
Coon Bluff peda?
Sayless my boy
the coons are a group of people that are alpha males they have the biggest dicks and would fuck any girl in sight ecept keith he is a dickless faggot and gets no bitches unlike Dylan has the biggest and juiciest dick that your girlfriend would want (yes im stroking myself when typing this) sam is the second biggest dick ever and dylan and sam do threesomes, one in the mouth one in the back and they highfive over the girl when she is bent over jack is the tallest mother fucker in the group i swear hes a nigga too bad that monkey cant swim with all that being said keith your still a fucking niggerrrrr and will get no bitches and would fuck fiona wrote by keiths big black monkey brother
hey stacy should we get gangbanged by the coons
When you are going absolutely mental. Used whenever you or somebody else is playing at their best ever. Semi-popular gaming term on the rise for when you can’t be beat.
1.) Mason “He just dropshotted both of us.”
Keian “Damn, he’s going coon ballistic!”
1. To dumpster dive or to sort through donation bins for valuable things. Typically under the influence of Methamphetamines.
2. While under the influence of Methamphetamines to commit theft of various of many useless items.
3. To find something you never lost.
Tina went coon kacking in the donation bins and found a brand new flashlight!
Damnit! Who coon kacked my bubble?
Cooler way of saying "Cancun".
Tom: Hey man, what are you up to this weekend? Wanna hit up the local bars?
Chris: Ah, can't man. I'm gonna be in the Coon this weekend!