Best musical artist since Hitler
If you don't like SoM(Splash of Midnight) you have the Tism
A man who’s sends a dm at 2 am in hopes of getting attention from a beautiful girl. The Midnight Thief never sleeps.
“Why are you awake at this hour, are you trying to be a Midnight Thief!!??”
when someone stays up late at night and gets depressed the longer they stay midnight the person is already thinking if they have any true friends and wishing they could do over everything. however in the next morning after they sleep the person gets extremely happy to be around and loves there friends.
Man i got midnight depression last night, i don't know what was happening with me.
Australian Labor or Cross-bench politician who likes to hang out at a seedy motel and ply their craft at Midnight to journalists for a mention of their name on their blog or newspaper column.
"He, like the girls, seems to be reading this blog and paying midnight heed."
The feeling and du sequent thoughts that arise when you lie awake in the middle of night. They always end in thinking that tomorrow when you wake up you will change your way of life. Basically like a New Years Resolution but it’s created by lack of sleep, not alcohol.
Oh you look terrible
Yeah, I couldn’t sleep and had a midnight crisis last night
When a cold/(beer) and hot/(pizza) front unknowingly clash together in the wee hours of the evening forming a massive shit storm of rain, hail and corn. Lightining falshes are not uncommom with the midninght roker, especially in the presence of smoking BBQs.
I damn near burned my eyebrows off last night after dropping a midnight roker!