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the ugly fucks

a group of girls at my school (any school) that are just horribly ugly and uninteresting to talk to, bad communication skills, there only hope is to get really rich and buy new skin.. and learn how to talk right...damn

keen hangs out with the ugly fucks

by crustynraunchy December 5, 2007

12πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

ugly stick

n; a term used for skinnier females, often used by fat bitches who are way uglier and twice the size.

person a) whoa she is such an ugly stick
person b) yeah i bet she weighs less than my left ass cheek.

by uglystick July 5, 2011

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ugly stick

a pole 10 feet and 1 inch long, prompting the saying "I wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole", that is pointed so that the user of the stick can poke ugly people to make them move away so that the person holding the stick isn't seen with the ugly person.
The perfect tool when one wants to remain socially acceptable but must go out in public with someone who's face looks like a volcano or like someone stepped on it with steel toed boots

"beat him with a shovel and poke him with an ugly stick."

"use the ugly stick, we don't want him near us!!"

"Hey, what's with the stick?" -- "We use it to keep my brother away :)"

by LSW Productions February 3, 2010

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Ugly stick

1.)A stick that people beat each other with to make each other ugly.
2.) An Ugly stick is also a fishing pole brand.

Molly was beat with a ugly stick and she never could be preety again.

by Joemama June 23, 2004

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Ugly Nostalgia

1. A homesickness for something that causes pain.

2. A sentimental longing or yearning associated with a memory despite negative feelings associated with it

3. A nostalgia that is so ugly you can’t look away.

Damn this song I used to listen to when I was depressed has me feeling such a sense of ugly nostalgia. Makes me feel horrible but I can’t stop listening

by Big goose man December 14, 2021

Medieval Ugly

When you are so ugly that you would even be considered ugly back in times when they had no toothbrushes, braces, and flushing toilets.

Elizabeth is medieval ugly. I would rather beat her with a stick than touch her.

by llamasftw February 11, 2012

Butt Ugly

William Gilbert Boyer

He is butt ugly

by Will is butt ugly February 23, 2020