The sex act of farting while your girlfriend is fingering your asshole. Done correctly, the sound made is similar to that of a slide whistle.
Similar to the Breezy Yeezy or a Puff Diddly.
I performed a Whistling Kanye last night, and it sounded better than anything on The Life of Pablo
A descriptive name given to a smegma caked penis.
"Get that filthy cheese whistle out ma face, its fuckin stinkin"
The sound a frustrated, over-worked and tired prosecutor makes when he finally closes out a case that has been dragging on forever.
(Insert Whistle Sound)...thanks for playing, see ya!
The art of inserting a flesh light into another man’s anus and having sex with the sex toy so it isn’t gay.
I gave my bro a Newfie slider whistle and didn’t have to say no homo first
Phrase commonly used when someone is needlessly angry at an inanimate object, potentially making a situation worse.
"This stupid remote won't work!"
"Jeez, don't pish on the whistle."
(Don't break the remote you'll just make the situation worse.)
13 year old me when I discover that my beef whistle has function
While sucking a dick, you place three fingers on top of the shaft and tap alternately like your playing a flute
This chick was giving me head and tapping her fingers. I exclaimed, you really know how to tune the meat whistle