Men need to be cares for, looked after so every year on the 3rd of December ask a boy if you encounter one, “Are you okay?” get them to express their feelings to you.
Her: “Today is the 3rd of December which means it’s National Care About A Boy Day”
*walks to a boy*
Her: “Are you okay?”
Him: “No, not really”
Her: “Let’s go talk about it”
When the most sexually appealing person in the room is passed around, like a joint, to every other person. When one of the participants has the point person they are given exactly 30 seconds of "play time" before they must share with their friends. Game only works if full consent is given by all parties.
Dude, that Care Bear Share really fulfilled me; both in an elementary school morals way and a sexual way.
When a woman has a sexual interest in a older man preferably 65+. Grey hair and wrinkled skin are a must.
Girl 1: Omg you won’t believe who Amy is sleeping with! Girl 2: Who? Girl 1:Well let’s just say she has a Jerry Care fetish. Girl 2: Omg that’s disgusting!!
what an ignoarnt edgelord wannabe says not expecting for someone to try and turn it into a copypasta and will prob fail
person A: *imagery representing a racist terrorist group*
person B: wtf
person A: SUKA BLYAT, if you think that it is not funny, because "uuuuh! It was irl! Omg!" Just go eat sand, no one cares
Children picking up illness from other children.
Children picking up illnesses from other children and taking that cough or cold home to the parents. Honey, it seems like we have been constantly sick ever since we enrolled junior into day care. I know junior is sick today, but we both have to work, just send him in! And the vicious circle of "Day care kenel cough continues"!
(Noun ) : meaning , Hoping you're leaving for good. Really done with you.
My family is all set with the people that are not in 100 percent... so see ya don't care much.