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69 percent

refers to a girl that is mostly on the lesbian end of bisexuality. the term "69 percent" is a homonym, referring both to the percentage of lesbian and her favorite sex position. 69 percenters are the holy grail for every man, signifying not only a tougher challenge to bring to bed, but also the most likely girl to bring along a friend for a threesome.

"i'm not really that into guys, though i do enjoy them on rare occasion. i'm definitely at 69 percent."
"she's such a babe man. i thought she was a lipstick lesbian but it turns out shes just picky about her men. that chick is a 69 percent."

by A "professional" June 4, 2013

2๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

therealcoon 69 fail

self promoting UD spammer: extraassholey

Those therealcoon 69 failure definitions display as much mental acuity as his music is profitable

by vogla January 14, 2013

square root of 69

is 8-something.

proved by Drake & Google Calculator.

well, the square root of 69 is actually 8.30662386292 to be precise.

by hashtag hashbrowns 360 June 13, 2013

192๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž


extremely dangerous rapper/hussler of the Goodells area. well known in the area for several smash underground hits. thought to have killed at least 13, 3 of which were state police.

I-69 rules the streets of Goodells.

by Wayne D. Williams September 25, 2006

3๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pussy slayer 69

The king of all the pussy slayers. The absolute living legend. The one and only.

Person 1: oh hey, did u see how Fitz smashed both Pokimane and Katerino?
Person 2: yeah, he is the ultimate pussy slayer 69!

by Thiccman-47 December 30, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

One-handed 69

An ancient technique so powerful few have survived. A man grabs a woman with one hand by the ankle upside down. The woman then proceeds to wrap around him twice then eat his ass. While eating his ass the man shits in the woman's throat afterward she proceeds to make out with him. Only 3 people have successfully completed this dangerous maneuver. If completed rumors say that you gain the power of levitation.

-Nathan Elijah Garcia

Dude do the One-handed 69 on her

by Nate_G October 13, 2020

Snapple Fact #69

A allegation, slander, false statement, guess, or ridiculous comment. To attempt to pass off a statement as a fact through stating that it came from a snapple cap.

It is often best used on gullible people whom will believe anything.

Examples include:

Snapple Fact # 69: That girl is a total bitch.

Snapple Fact # 69: The sky is actually red, our eyes just allow us to see it as blue.

Verbal Assault
Snapple Fact #69: Go fuck yourself

Snapple Fact #69: Your mom is a whore.

Snapple Fact #69: Can i put the head in?

by Biznatch Man May 24, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž