Source Code

phillips band

Code for very shitty band most people wouldn't ever consider listening to or even recommend to their best friend named Phillips.

Jeff: Have you heard that new phillips band?
Phillips: Oh, you mean The Peacocks? Yeah they're my favorite!
Jeff: Yeah... you would say that.

by Bobjuzz November 24, 2012

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Someone who helps out the Marching Band in every way possible and are not appreciated enough for their hard work.

Person1: Hey, who are they?

Person2: oh! They’re Band-Aids, they help out with a lot!

Person1: you’re lucky to have them huh?

Person2: you have no idea!

by Fandoms.Fries.and.Flute October 18, 2018

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Band definition

1. A definition of an obscure band name nobody cares about. Usually has more dislikes than likes.

Person 1: How come every word I'm searching is a band definition?

Person 2: Because people love not giving real definitions.

by bruhthisismyhandle August 20, 2021

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band front

similar to colorguard. find a definition of band and basically add a flag to it.

one of the best experiences of your life. they have the closest friends and make thats what she said jokes as well as jokes about things that otherwise wouldn't be funny, basically the same kind of humor as faamily guy.

Band Front represent, now throw your flags up! OH OOOOOOH OH OOOOOOOH

by sailor moon/aurora November 27, 2010

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Band-aid it

To temporarily fix something by useing Duct tape or some other method.

If you don't have time to fix the radiator on your car band-aid it.

by Jbw1269 August 5, 2006

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Band job

When one using the tuck up method to hide his erection performs physical activity that causes the penis to reciprocate under the waistband enough to induce orgasm.

Hey, Scott, have you got any Q-tips? I just gave myself a band job on the track and have to clean out my belly button.

by Tucki April 10, 2014

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Bogan Band

A hairstyle generally sported by young bogan men, consisting of a thin strip of hair bleached blonde around the edge of the hairstyle. Usually about 1cm in diameter and never more than 3 or 4cm.

May be used stylishly in combination with a mullet or rat tail. And for those with discerning taste, not to be used without a large rectangular patch of hair on back or back left of the head, bleached also.

This haircut is most effective with black or brown hair.

This is a new trend amongst Australian youth of low socio-economic background (see bogan dero ), and although not as prevelent as the mullet or rat tail as yet, it appears to be only gaining popularity.

Did you see that kid with the "Bogan Band" ?

Wow, what a dero !

by Tsuzi September 15, 2010

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