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crush cupping

When you wear jeans and your fat hangs over(muffin top).Its just another name for it.Just like the danimals yogurt cup.you squeeze it at the bottom and yogurt squeezes out.Just like the body shape you get from muffin top.

man that girl be crush cupping

by pretty girl swag13 May 18, 2012

Buddy crush

A crush that you have for your best girl/boy friend. You usually can't help it, and it can be torture if you dont want to tell them. Could result in an amazing relationship, or a one way ticket into friendship cove.

hey you were totally checking her out, thought she was your best friend?
she is, thats the problem

by drnoballs19 October 21, 2012

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toothpaste crush

That person who you have a tiny crush on that you can't get rid of.

Similar to the remaining toothpaste in the toothpaste tube: you can't push out the remaining toothpaste because there is so little left, just like how you can't stop liking this person because it's such a small crush.

There will always be some toothpaste left in the tube, no matter how hard you try.

"Have you met Alex? He's so funny."
"I know right, he's my toothpaste crush!"

by danniiscool March 20, 2013

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Online Crush

A crush is someone who you really love. You get butterflies in your stomach when you talk to them. They’re intoxicating to talk to and you feel like you’re higher than the clouds. When they say they love you it makes you blush in real life but also hurts a bit since you don’t know if they mean it as a friend or romantically. You may want to crumple your feelings up and squash them down but you know that’s impossible because they’re just too intoxicating. You love them with all your heart and even tell your other friends. Though the friends that don’t know them since that’d be awkward.

“I have an online crush,” I said.
“Really? What’s your online crush’s name?” My friend asked.

by Serenade March 16, 2020

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Crush zoned

When a girl has a crush on you but does not wanna go out with you or fuck you.

Joe- Jessica ? Well I like you , would you go out on date with me?

Jessica - I do have this crush on you but no

Joe - if you like me what's the problem

Jessica - I do like you but I don't want to fuck you That's why .

Joe - Bitch you just crush zoned me

Jessica - I did have

by VUd January 10, 2015

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crush square

When a person likes a person, but that person likes someone else, but that someone else likes somebody else, and that somebody else likes the first person. And they are somehow all friends!

I was in a crush square with the person I like and two other people.

by Astr0n0va November 19, 2017

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sister crush

When you like her like she's a sister but you lowkey like her because she's a crush.

Hey Briee I lowkey have a sister crush on you. But I don't LIKE you.

by Brieetree January 31, 2016

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