Verb: a validation of attendance for your slimes/ slats / homies
Head Homie: "Its already 1:50? Time for the slime call"
Head homie: DeMarcus?
DeMarcus: on god I'm here foo that's in my granny foo on crip
used to make a reference about something which is known, but you want to make a dramatic or sarcastic intro about it to another person.
Bro 1: dude, check this videos out!!
Bro : ooooh!! they look very cool, haven't you thought about uploading them to the web?
Bro1 : No, but actually, it is a good idea, how can I do that?
Bro 2: Well.....there is that thing they call YouTube, I dont know if you know about it, but it is all about videos.
When you are really good friends but cant seem to connect for weeks, sometimes months, calling each other and always hitting the missed call. The person who missed the call is the one to call back.
1: Hey buddy, called you again.
2: Yeh, buddy, was preoccupied, yet another bender.
1: We just playing call pong
Something you tell your roommates to get them out of the dorm so you can have sex with your racist boyfriend.
“Hey can you stay out of the dorm from like 2-3 today, I have a therapy call”
When you make a fucking mistake and are about to get your throat brutally slit by an old man. Typically 80-85 years old.
Call an ambulance call an ambulance!...But not for me (shoots in the forehead,Then slit throat,then proceeds to cut body open and eat cooked spine.)
Commuty call
(noun) A phone call similar to a booty call in that, at the end of the exchange, the person on the receiving end of the commuty call feels slightly used but generally happy to have answered the phone. The commuty caller is commuting to or from work, is bored, needs to fill the time while driving, and calls a "friend" for entertainment until his/her destination has been reached. Once the commuty caller reaches his/her destination the idle chit chat is quickly terminated in a brisk, businesslike manner. Signs that the commuty caller has "arrived" are the door chimes of the car ringing audibly through the phone as the car door is opened at a parking lot or garage. "Hey, gottagocatchyalater" is usually heard by the callee before the call is abruptly ended leaving the callee with a feeling of emptiness at having been used for someone else's entertainment and pleasure.
This traffic is at a standstill and I'm falling asleep from boredom. It's time for another commuty call.
1. Where a women sends a dirty, flirty messages to other employee(s) (usually male) disguised as a typo.
2. this is another example of many symptoms that often indicate diarrhea of the fingers. Obviously this user should have typed "all pc" which means something completely different.
Rabid fingers: Please install agents on call pcs and the server.
Tech: What are call pcs?
Rabid fingers: um....i dunno....
Tech: grrrrrr...(I crush your head!)