it means when a girl usen your face as a seat and your dick for steering and your feet as pedals
bro my girl did the craziest fighter jet on me last night
The game played in all male locker rooms, where you chase around your friends and jizz on their legs to get them out.
Wanna play fighter jets?
You know you're going to lose.
Thats how I like it.
A New York Jet is a slender penis that goes off and jizzes prematurely.
"You like New York Jets? Maybe we can go out sometime... The Jets can play the Browns in your Butt Bowl."
A team made up of bums who have no iq in football.
Person 1: My favorite team is the Chiefs!
Person 2: My favorite is the New York Jets!
All: Goddamn, you support a bumsquad?
A Rockstar From the bay area. Specializing in punk rock and alternative.
Dude i saw jet cool at this concert yesterday!
A functionality in some air conditioners that bypasses duty cycle limitations and operates at 100% compressor/evaporator duty for a brief time.
Your air conditioner is running on jet cool.