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take it in the pants

When you need to crap so bad that you know your not going to make it to the bathroom. So you just decide to "take it in the pants"

"Lordy, the bathroom is closed. I quess I will just have to take it in the pants ".

by Captain Breed April 12, 2017

Lambda pants

Alternative term for Y-fronts. The shape of the fly, although resembling an upside-down 'Y', actually looks more like a lambda symbol (the right way up).

I'm wearing my best lambda pants for my date tonight - I hope she likes them. At least the skid marks won't be too obvious.

by Funkmaster74 November 24, 2010

Pants money

An amount of cash totaling 5 or more dollars that is lost without noticing and found much later in a pocket of a long-unworn item of clothing. Pants money is like a gift from your past self to your future self.

"I thought I was going to be broke until payday, but I found 50 bucks in pants money in my old jeans!"

by MedeaDemonblood August 22, 2011

Sassage Pants

When you feel a breeze in your shorts and realize your sassage fell between the slit in your boxers.

In class...
Jason: Dude, why are you touchin yourself?
Mark: I've got a mean case of the sassage pants!
Jason: Haha good luck

by Beautyblood August 23, 2010

dinner pants

Phrase used at the point during a meal when one must undo the first button of one's pants to continue eating in comfort. It is used as a warning (see below).

Halfway through the third course of thanksgiving dinner Hollis shouted "dinner pants" and popped open her fly.

by hnyinny May 16, 2010

sister's pants

(noun) 1. skinny jeans when wore by men. 2. pants so overly tappered and tight, they look like they were borrowed from your sister.

1. John completed his Emo look by wearing a pair of sister's pants. 2. "Man, look at that kid over there," exclaimed Derick as he pointed out a 20-something year old man wearing a pair of sausage-tight jeans, "how can those sister's pants be comfortable!"

by burkeysway June 3, 2010

pant cone

A penis. Male genitalia.

When Janice removed her shirt, she could see Todd’s pant cone through his trousers.

by Laurab28 October 31, 2019