Source Code

Swamp Itch

It make yo booty crusty.

If you sleep in someone’s bed for too long they will give you swamp itch

by LiberalEater69 January 29, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Swamp Ditch

The female version of swamp nuts.

Sally's 10k run left her with a massive case of swamp ditch.

by C.R. Estee July 26, 2019

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Swamp Jockey

Black men/women who date only white men/women...

Black men who date white trash women...

Ray Ray is such a Swamp Jockey, he always be datin them Swamp Honkey hoodrat white women

by Lovely Jones May 19, 2011

11πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

The Swamp Donkey

The Swamp Donkey is not to be mixed with the definition of Swamp Donkey, as The Swamp Donkey is a sex position only used when the male and female are both in the bath (swamp) where the male is the giver and the female is the receiver. while in this action the female must act like a donkey while the male sits back and relaxes.

Male- "lets do The Swamp Donkey"
Female- "ok then"

by PoonSlayer27 December 29, 2011

23πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

swamp fist

When your hand is covered in sweat before you fist someone.

Thank God I had a case of swamp fist going on last night. I hate when Cheryl's ass is dry and I really have to work to ram it in there.

by whatisdelicious April 23, 2011

4πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

swamp water

The water provided to clean one's window at a gas station.

I couldn't see out of my windshield, so I scrubbed it with swamp water - unfortunately it didn't make it much better.

by FelixTheCat May 7, 2007

9πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

swamp donkey

A person, man or woman, whose personal grooming habits are comparable to that of a baboon and whose abode is so cluttered and foul as to illicit the response, "Damn SWAMPDONKEY!! Hose yourself off." or "Damn SWAMPDONKEY!! Clean up that cesspool you live in."

He's so foul, he's a swampdonkey.

by Ryan Whaley July 15, 2003

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