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Acting Agency

A business or organization who represents a range of actors by getting them paid roles within the acting industry.

"I have an acting agent"

"I am looking for the best acting agency in London"

E.g. Bennett Darling Acting bdartists.co.uk

by Knightley123 April 18, 2013

Cold Act Ill

Someone who does not apologize for being GREAT.

Someone who knows that they are COLD AF!!! Nice at everything they do and inspires other

MsSimoneJ is cold act ill and don't mix well with retarded people, she will check them so fast.

by BeautyPie March 29, 2021

act like your peng

when you act like your popular and well fit and really good looking

you act like your peng but you aren’t

by guyinto November 1, 2017

Random Acts of Violence

I saw and article about a woman who stabbed a 3 year old... To death! Just... In a grocery store... And I thought to myself... Who did you actually save Rabert Brion Harn? How many? And what (exactly) was I supposed to learn here?

Hym "I wonder... How many of these random acts of violence... Aren't actually random? Don't blame me... I learn it from watch HIM."

by Hym Iam June 7, 2024

1👍 1👎

Disappearing Act

When you dunk your shot on the 18th hole, usually for eagle. The ball just vanishes without a hop and it’s the best feeling

I played a round with Tommy yesterday, he wasn’t playing so good and was getting frustrated but on the 18th hole he pulled a disappearing act and got so excited

by Daddy Piccolae August 15, 2021

An act of Trolling

An act of Trolling can range from things like simple teasing to genocide.

To experts, it's called "Terrorism".
But to us, it's simply called "An act of Trolling".

by TheRandomGuy_BD February 10, 2023

Toilet act

The act of defecation. To pass solid waste. Dropping the kids off at the pool. Splashdown. Giving birth to a live eel. Reverse sodomy.

The intruder performed a vile toilet act upon the Secretary's Chair and Cushion before leaving the scene of the crime.

by The Boston Sausage Strangler August 14, 2019