A Self Centered, Psychopathic, Pyromaniac. Not Friendly Plays Super Mario and Dates A rude wanna be guy thing
Don't be A leo
Leo is the zodiac sign of fire and rulled by the sun. Leo is also a demigod hero. I luv
Person with this sign Are the most beautiful person on planet And the most sexy and the hottest And the smartest person on planet.
She Is Leo? Yes i love sign Leo
Leo’s are some of the worst zodiac signs out there.
But at the same time it can be the best. Because while they’re: funny, giving and loving… they can also be: “two faced” arrogant and flat out rude.
Leo’s are born in the last half of July to the first half of August.
And it’s said that August 14th Leo’s are some of the most disliked.
Leo: I’m a Leo!
Taurus: yikes, I don’t really like you’re star sign… when we’re you born?
Leo: 15th of august
Taurus: phew the first day is 14th of august.
Leo's are very amazing people. Leo's are very good at writing and general shenanigans. Need a spare granola bar? He got you! Usually a man, always gay
Ex: "Wow Leo! I like your 70 hour writing project!"
Leo:"Thank you!"
he is a susy baka and really bad a fortnite an looks at peoples wifes and rages and gets really mad in fortnite and sell shockers
Bob: you know leo
jim: ya hes a weirdo