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North Shore

The North Shore is an awesome group of northern suburbs of Chicago. It's funny because all towns sort of rival each other. At New Trier Highschool, one of the top high schools in the nation, its like "oh, they're from glencoe? thats why he has a jew fro." stuff like that. Everyone here drives bmws, lexus', audis, range rovers, etc. If you dont' drive one of those, your basically poor. The girls basically are bitches. Yeah, theres some nice people but not many. All the girls act super fake especially on facebook or text and then they are super bitchy in person. How could i complain though? this place rocks. And yeah we have it a lot better than everyone else. The only people who we compare ourselves to and wish we had the stuff of are celebrities.

Winnetka kid "They are from wilmette?"
Highland Park kid "Yeah, they have never even been inside of EStreet!"
Winnetka kid "I feel so bad for them."
Both "hahaha"

*note nobody talks to your face here in the North Shore

by iloveestreet October 9, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

north korea

...is best Korea.

North Korea, the winner of the Zerg Wars of 2295, is Best Korea. Cyborg Overlord Kim Jong-Eun decrees it.

by General Cluck Cluck March 2, 2017

9๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dirty North

Dirty North

1. A successful DJ duo in West Michigan consisting of Matt "DJ Matt B" Bowman and Jeremy "DJ J-Dubb" Wieber. They can often be found with 104-5 WSNX, DJ Elemnt, DJ Barcode and L-Rae and Mrs. Dubbs.

2. A sexual position involving any of the things that make the Dirty North what it is...a mitten, a game of euchre, a pony keg of any Bell's beer and a robin.


"Oh Man, were you at Sixx last night? Dirty North was killing it!"

"That dude tried to say he was Dirty North but was all know he's not."


"I'm a dirty north the hell outta that girl...I got a mitten in my truck."

"That boy dirty north'd me better than anyone ever has. I can't believe what he did with those euchre cards."

by Droo Mac April 5, 2010

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North Carolina

a living hell iโ€™ve been here for 12 years help me

me: i hate north Carolina

mom: i agree

by daddywifuobama December 14, 2020

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North Carolina

Where you can marry your cousin. Just not your gay cousin.

North Carolina is a state where many (sometimes really weird) kinds of marriage are allowed, but a gay marriage impossible.

by Kardamonster May 31, 2012

26๐Ÿ‘ 59๐Ÿ‘Ž

north carolina

Good state:
Lots to do. Best waves on the right coast. Best music scene south of NY, east of Omaha and north of Gainesville. Fun cities, relaxing countryside. Great schools. Tons of laid back people who are open minded and fun to be around.

Bad State: Ignorant racists. No public transportation. Hog shit filled rivers. Too many far right churches. Terrible snowboarding. Redneck ass basketball fans who didn't attend their school of choice (that goes for us Dukies too).

North Carolina, pretty much like everywhere else.

by the pig killer January 20, 2008

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Williamsville North

Academically inferior school found on Casey rd in Williamsville NY, They're athletic program may be one of the worst in the area. Their AD Rusin covered up alcohol violations in Florida and has pushed many things under the rug while promoting his shitty son as a good baseball player which is false. Their awful baseball team, was destroyed in 2006 by the Clarence Red Devils. Game won proved who was the superior team. This embarassament of a baseball team should consider joining Will South in the ECIC 4 so they too can think they are good.

Williamsville North lost the Division lead and title to Clarence in 2006.

by Albert Pujols March 26, 2007

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