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throat queef

A very weak, throat sounding belch on par with that of an infant newborn; on the same sound frequency as a beetle fart

"Bro that wasn't a burp that was a throat queef

by Mariachi Rex August 20, 2015

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Queef Missile

any object prepelled and shot across the room from a high pressured Queef

I was minding my own business when she sent a Queef Missile across the room and hit me in the head

by booboo boomerang May 23, 2011

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oral queef

The sound exuded from the throat whilst trying to suppress the noise from an orgasm, and is usually frog-like.

Safrina, whilst trying to suppress her vocal "enthusiasm", ended up making a frog-sounding oral queef mid-orgasm.

by s_axo June 19, 2011

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Queef Machine

Another name for an automatic air freshener. This device makes a squirting sound when spraying out beautiful smelling goodness(aka queef) every so often depending on its settings. You will need to get queef refills as they don't last more than about 3 months.

You would say thank you queef every time it sprays its great scents. "Did your Queef Machine just go off? cause it smells some good in here!" " Yes it did my good friend" "Thank you queef" Man I need to run to Walmart to pick up some more queef, she's runnin out.

by kswin January 17, 2011

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Queef McBeef

When a vagina poops.

To make a Taco Bell Chalupa, one must use one pound of Queef McBeef. Mexican.

by BobbyFlayMcBeef November 4, 2009

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dolphin queef

When a girl queef's in water and it sprays water out like the air hole of a dolphin.

Dude that girl totally dolphin queefed on my face

by stretchamoe October 16, 2010

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Condom Queef

When a man is wearing/using a condom during sexual intercourse, and then proceeds to thrust into his partner deep and hard, then when proceeding to change positions and removes his penis from the vagina, the woman then lets out a queef due to all the air that has been forced inside her caused by deep thrusting while wearing the air tight condom.

My man and I were fuckin like mad, and for once we decided to use a condom. He just kept poundin it deep and hard, we decided to change positions - he likes it from the back, but i like it on top. Shortly after changing positions this motherfucker cased me to have a Condom Queef !! I was so fuckin embarassed !

by ::samantha:: October 15, 2009

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