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Why did the goblin turn on the stove?

This phrase comes from a Possum Reviews video on review on the homemade mediocre film, The goblin. In one scene, the goblin kills a homeowner and turns on the stove. It never comes up again. No reason or explanation. The phrase is a follow up to a rhetorical question.

Friend: Why did the teacher give us extra homework? We didn't even do anything bad.
You: I don't know. Why did the goblin turn on the stove?

by CakeLiar November 2, 2020

19đź‘Ť 4đź‘Ž

why does no one love me

why does no one love me is a phrase you might not know come from. If said it means you’re unpopular, you’re not likable, or you’re name is a bad one like Sedon!!! If you’re names Sedon you’re most likely both of those things and that is why no one will ever like or love you and that is why you were kicked out your refrigerator you call home

Why does no one love me? -Sedon

by I’m a basic Asian who eats dog April 6, 2018

why am i still alive

Because you matter. I totally understand if you are going through a hard time, I am too! you are not alone. other people in the world need you. it dosen't matter if you are "weird" or "out of the ordinary" you are perfect and fine just the way you are. i believe in you, and you will always have my support no matter whtat you do or who you are, you are perfect just the way you are.

also stop asking urself "why am i still alive" you'll only question it more and... well- who knows what would happen-

by Olive/Olli! January 25, 2023

Why the Fuck would you do that?

A way of saying "why would you do that?" It is exclaimed in a way for extra effect.

Person 1: I killed her
Person 2: Why the Fuck would you do that?

by BraidMyPubes June 10, 2012

24đź‘Ť 6đź‘Ž

Why you lost yo papuhclips?

An interrogative phrase, (often accusatory) used to convey highly emotional feelings of confusion at the sheer absurdity of a statement made by the party in question.
Person 1: “Vin Diesel’s oily man pipes are the sex.”
Person 2: “Mafucka’, why you lost yo papuhclips?”

Syn: fail, lost yo shit, doin’ it wrong, you crazy

A statement used to admit personal shame or embarrassment due to an inability to exercise basic common sense (usually on account of laziness.)
Person 1: “…Shit, I got another 30.00 parking ticket.”
Person 2: “Didn’t you go buy the 20.00 city parking permit yet?”
Person 1: “Nah. Dude, I lost mah papuhclips.”

Syn: being irresponsible, lazy, dense, etc

Papuhclips disambiguation:
(n) a collection of objects which your typical editor/editorial assistant cannot function without.
Hence losing one’s papuhclips typically results in the loss of one’s most essential shit.

Publisher: “Yo, editorial staff, when are the paperback copies of our new release coming in?”
Editor: “…Shit, you mean they’re not here yet?”
Publisher: “(exasperated) Why you lost yo papuhclips?”

Why you lost yo papuhclips?

* originated in a 1970s episode of the children’s television show, Sesame Street, during one of the infamous Muppet/Child interview segments. The phrase was first uttered by young John Williams III (known as “John-John.”)
John-John is a small, adorable, chubby-cheeked child ----bearing a formidable resemblance to Webster--- who (in this particular episode) has the unfortunate duty of listening to Bert lament his petty bullshit problems.
The crisis in affect: Bert has managed to fuck up at the office, and lose his paperclips (FAIL!) resulting in an unnecessary emotional outburst, which he mistakenly unleashes on young John-John. One would assume Bert would be equipped with the appropriate level of responsibility, being that he is clearly an adult (as illustrated by his ongoing sexual romance with his life-partner, Ernie.)
However, as this segment demonstrates, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZPfBiseAXo) young John-John is familiar with the dilemma of losing one’s paperclips (See 00:14) , and clearly he does not approve of Bert’s reckless behavior.
Even in the spring of his youth, John-John recognizes that one must exercise personal responsibility for maintenance and care of one’s own paperclips. His insurmountable maturity is proven when Bert proclaims that losing his paperclips makes him sad, whereupon John-John asks (in a moment of philosophical profundity) “You make you sad?” (00:22)
This statement is designed to incite an epiphanic moment from Bert.
However, Bert is far too wrapped up in his emo world to take notice of that fact that he, himself, is responsible for his negative emotions.
John-John, we salute you.
And your papuhclips.

by Narco Polo October 17, 2008

13đź‘Ť 3đź‘Ž

And That's Why You Never Milk an Ostrich

Used at the end of a story with no point, much like And Then I Found Five Dollars. It is effective in that it confuses the listener.

So I fell asleep last night at seven and woke up a ten...And That's Why You Never Milk an Ostrich

by REPO!THEGENETICOPERA!!!!!!!!!! August 5, 2010

19đź‘Ť 5đź‘Ž

why is a raven like a writing desk?

A riddle. From the Lewis Carroll classic, Alice In Wonderland. Carroll himself said "the riddle has no answer, unless it does. But it doesn't, however it might." the riddle is unsolved, except in China. They know everthing. It is often used to confuse or befuddle a friend.

Adam:"So why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Charles: O.o

by Almost Alice June 6, 2010

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