One who is very excited about consuming mexican food from the popular food chain Chipotle.
A deep desire to consume Chipotle that has gone beyond the standard excitement to consume food and is now become more comparable to sex.
Secondary meaning - Having a large amount of chips in a game of chance like poker or roulette.
I got a chip-boner right now.
I am getting really excited for chipotle, I am about to pop a chip-boner.
Alternate Use : My tower of chips is huge it is a chip-boner. I am doing so good at poker i am getting a chip-boner
Krill Chips are an multi-ingredient, color-enhancing fish food in the form of sinking chips with a high content of krill (40%).
Feed the fish some Krill chips.
that thing where you run out of lube then have to use olive oil, leading to a pronounced hot oily funk in the bedroom reminiscent of fish and chips
Stu: Nah i don't have any lube
Melissa: we can use olive oil
Stu: OK
Stu: Wow smells like fish and chips in here
Melissa: Dick and chips!
Stu and Melissa: ha ha ha ha ha
Also available in NZ english: Duck n Chups
When eating ass and you swallow the warm booty flakes fermented in the crack of the ass.
Yo last night this girl had the best ass, but when I when I went down on her I ate some Warm Chips then left.
A real propa type chick from Wigan. Graphic designer by day, Asian man hunter and sex slave by night.
I'm going to China Town to Vicky chips the whole population.
When your munching on some chips and you can't stop-for anything
My girl called and I answered but I was on a chip terror with some nacho cheese flavored doritos so I crunched and mumbled into the phone
A cowboy hat. refers to the curviture of the hat which resembles a potato chip.
The dance hall was filled with nothing but hayseeds wearing potato chips.
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