Source Code

Reverse Cowboy

Sexual position in which the guy lays on his back and the girl sits on his cock facing towards his feet. Tends to result in mild queefing.

Guy: I wanna watch TV while we do it.

Girl: So do I, so...

Guy: Okay, let's do a reverse cowboy.

by Plumsouffle March 8, 2010

83πŸ‘ 306πŸ‘Ž

Cowboy Style

You insert your dick into a random girls asshole or pussy and proceed to get on her back to ride her like a horse. You get extra points if you ram her head into the wall so you don’t get sued for sexual assault because she just can’t seem to remember anything from last night.

Guy1: Bro, I just fucked that girl Cowboy Style good thing she won’t remember anything.

Guy2: Thats good bro!

by ThisIsMyKingdomCum March 26, 2020

7πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Space Cowboy

When having sex in space doing the cowboy position. The reason we say cowboy, is because only men are allowed in space, and for that matter, out of the kitchen.

Man...Neil Armstrong sure loves being a space cowboy!

by Shance la pance. August 14, 2010

38πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž

Space cowboy

When a girl is riding on top of the guy during intercourse and then she pukes all over him.

"Omg I heard she Space Cowboy'd all over him!"

by starbanger November 19, 2013

24πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž

Cowboy Hipster

Those who spend their time shaving their facial hair in odd ways specifically for parties with themes you wouldn't know about. They tuck their non-Levi's jeans into their vintage cowboy boots and stop at random ranches to take pictures with their Canon Rebel. Often fans of Miike Snow, and spend their spare time making their own random songs on their iPhone.
Their diet mainly consists of taquitos and wine.
Typically found in Santa Ynez, California, or in caves far far away from civilization.

Wow, he's wearing turquoise colored boots and has a camera around his neck? Must be a cowboy hipster.

by Asparagus Face July 24, 2012

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Cowboy Handshake

A handjob given in order to receive a small recompense.

I gave Doug a cowboy handshake for a ride home from the mall.

by voodov January 2, 2012

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

cowboy culture

1. A "culture" defined as getting shit done by whatever means necessary. It's usually largely opposed by sixsigma assholes and lazy university graduates who lack the common sense and hands on work ethic needed to make anything work.

Newest 6s/phd CEO of company: "We wirr be a moving away a from the "Cowboy Curture" in the coming years and moving towards a direction of failure. Wiz these new changes you will all be out of jobs."

Cowboy Culturee: "What a dumbass."

by Sir Francis Bacon, common man November 28, 2011

5πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž