The address size in the target architecture you compile your C program for, it used to be unsigned int all the time everywhere, now it’s unsigned long as of the amd64 aka x86-64 until we get 128-bit computers then all bets will be off in the LINUX KERNEL HELLSYUAH, but really it’s a size_t from stddef.h and oh shit dawg, that acid is starting to kick in and I feel funny
x86 has a natural machine word size of 32, and x86-64 has unsigned ints with a size of 32 (wtf?)
When one completely obliterates another's emotions
Don't even get me started son before i Naturally disaster your emotions
Someone who appreciates the outdoors, and aspires to have fun in the great outdoors!
Wow, have you seen how often Ana goes to the Orange County Trails? She's such a nature gazer, she's always doing this kind of stuff!
What your vagina becomes when a female places her hands between her thighs for warmth
Kelly: "Gosh it's cold out here!"
Krista: "Place them in your nature mitten."
The act of shitting diarrhoea in the shower and then proceeding to drink it from a cup
I Was thirsty so I had some natural Milo this morning
Police slang for a naked male reported to be wandering about in public. A typical "Nature Boy" is often found to be amusingly oblivious to his state of dress and will even attempt to befriend law enforcement officers sent to retrieve and or cover him up.
Cop 1: Hey there buddy we need to have a talk with you.
Naked Man: Who me?
Cop 2: Yes, you. Look like you forgot a few things before you left the house today. You have any ID?
Naked Man: Yeah dudes , can't seem to find my wallet? (starts rummaging through make believe pants pockets)
Cop 1: (amused) It appears to be chilly today. How about we get you something warmer to wear?
Cop 2: Here (hands naked man some running pants), These should cover your... um... That thing there.
Naked Man: My Penis
Cop 1: Your what?
Naked Man: (louder) Penis!!
Cop 1: Didn't quite catch that, what?
Naked Man: (louder) Penis!!!
Cop 2: (desperately trying not to laugh) Could you repeat that?
Naked Man: My Penis! I said Penis!! Penis!!! (starts spelling it out) P-E-N-I... (catches joke) Ohhh... Dudes!?
All: Laughing.
Cop 2: Look buddy, we need you sign some paperwork, you mind coming with us for a bit.
Naked man: (putting running pants on) Well OK. You guys are alright- You anything to eat?
Cop 1: (to Cop 2) Take Nature boy to the car. I'll get him some Granola
Police slang for a really mellow naked male found to be wandering about in Public.
Cop 1: Hey there. Nature Boy. We need to have a talk with you.
Naked Man: Who me?
Cop 2: Yes, you. Look like you forgot a few things before you left the house today. You have any ID?
Naked Man: Yeah dudes , can't seem to find my wallet? (starts rummaging through make believe pants pockets)
Cop 1: (amused) It appears to be chilly today. How about we get you something warmer to wear?
Cop 2: Here (hands naked man some running pants), These should cover your... um... That thing there.
Naked Man: My Penis
Cop 1: Your what?
Naked Man: (louder) Penis!!
Cop 1: Didn't quite catch that, what?
Naked Man: (louder) Penis!!!
Cop 2: (desperately trying not to laugh) Could you repeat that?
Naked Man: My Penis! I said Penis!! Penis!!! (starts spelling it out) P-E-N-I... (catches joke) Ohhh... Dudes!?
All: Laughing.
Cop 2: Look buddy, we need you sign some paperwork, you mind coming with us for a bit.
Naked man: (putting running pants on) Well OK. You guys are alright- You anything to eat?
Cop 1: (to Cop 2) Take Nature boy to the car. I'll get him some Granola.