Source Code

Camping noob

When a player on call of duty stays in one area of the map and waits for opposition to come to them.. once the player is killed the camper will slightly alter there position so when the opposition attempts a revenge kill they are killed again.

My mate just spent an hour and a half sat in one spot desperately trying to put up a tent

Camping noob.

by marceckodude September 16, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who asks annoying, simple questions, in a manner that is contrary to the forum topic.

I can't believe that noob-troll just asked for the GTA3 health cheat in the DRIV3R board.

by Edward Tohr November 24, 2006

12๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

noob tuber

usually used by gamers (games like Call of Duty, and other shooter games) referring to other gamers who use a grenade launcher.

who, did you see that. it was that f@$^#& noob tuber.

by beankid January 7, 2010

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noob, n00b

A idoit that can't do anything. can't fight his way out of paper bag

anyone who plays counter strike or speaks 1337(leet). Posers. Anyone in the -{75th}-

by N-oooooo-b October 5, 2003

36๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

noob lord

insult used by computer geeks to newbies implying that they are the ultimate in noobiness

my zergs owned you, your such a noob lord.

by William Corujo June 9, 2004

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noob sauce

being totaly new at somthing and being really bad at it too

i faced this one noob in paintball and i totaly wasted him.. but it was fucken funny when he started to cry. he was a noob beyond noob.....he was noob sauce

by justin June 18, 2004

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quiet, noob

telling a stupid person to be quiet. Used usually on internet games when a noob boasts while doing really bad.

noob:look1!111! i be teh pwner!
me: quiet, noob.

by darkprophecy February 19, 2004

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