A business that relies solely on government funding to exist. Applying for a succession of public money schemes rather than actually making or doing anything useful.
"No. No. No. I'm not interested in a business that is basically a grant farmer" Deborah Meaden
One who cultivates women.
Essentially, a player. A lady farmer has women hanging off of him at all times. Every girl in town wants his d.
Alden is such a lady farmer, look at him, surrounded by girls, all wanting the d.
Highly respected womanizer
Rips for days and never gets caught
Rios in class and no one suspects a thing
Did u see farmer john in class rippin he’s such s retard
A boss resteraunt that you will want to go to everyday(it's Baller)
Have you been to founding farmers yet
Well you better get yo ass over there
the worst insult possible, you aren’t known even in a small time;
you are an unknown farmer