Smash on the gas
To go all out with wild, abandon or no reservation. When I go out on the weekend I smash on the gas.
The most underrated tv channel
No commercials
Wish it was still on
1997-2007 (1997-2009 for dish)
Nick GaS was one of my favorite channels on tv
When you gaslight someone into thinking the real term is “gas lamping”
Friend- “dude I was totally gaslighting this guy earlier…”
You- “I think the correct term is actually gas lamping.”
Friend- “what? No it’s not.”
You- “uh yeah it is. What are you stupid or something? It’s gas lamping.”
Slang used for "Methamphetamine".
Once Timmy got that ratchet-gas in him and got spun, he's been a ratchet ass bitch ever since.
a modern gadget, when attached to the inner backside of an underwear absorbs the foul smell and instead emits a beguiling aroma of choice, making the host of the smells a very welcome companion.
Claudia: "I bought daddy a box of gas deodorizers so you can stand him.
Tom: "No wonder there is a citrus odor in the house all the time: I've come to hate oranges for life!"
In mandarin Chinese, 'ga' means awkward, 'liao' means chatting. So ga liao means chatting with someone embarrassedly or awkwardly. Ga liao is often used in game Werewolf when someone plays as a wolf and don't know how to chat, and used on a date that the boy/girl is too nervous to say words logically.
Boy: Hi, how's it going?
Girl: Fine. I just had a wonderful barbecue with my parents.
Boy: That's great! So can I treat you to dinner now?
Girl: Don't ga liao please!
"I need to change rooms so i don't suffocate."
"I went to Gas Palace"
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