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Spank the Monkey

A well known phrase, usually exclaimed in commentary when Clydebank FC's Nicky Little scores a goal

That is absolutely SPANK THE MONKEY from Nicky Little. That is disgusting!

by Doricbankie96 July 31, 2021

Spank The Monkey

To stroke a black mandingo

Bianca: "Can I spank the monkey" *winks*
Ope: "wtf that's too much!"
Gurpreet: "But I can" *wink* *wink*

Ope: "... Come let's get a room "

by Bianca2019 April 5, 2019


when you get verbally abused by another adult for being a major douche

I ate at a restaurant the other night, the waiter pulled me aside and douche-spanked me for leaving a $1 tip

by tjdabomb August 26, 2011

Spank Sauce

Sauce that is released from the penis while in the anus.

"Eernie", "yes Bert " " I'm gonna put some Spank Sauce in your ass"

by CockedBlock69 March 13, 2018

Yanked, spanked and banked

To get benched, dumped or fired.

You're not working there no more?

Nope, got yanked, spanked and banked, dude.


Tell me about it.

by Shuaman July 1, 2019

wanking for a spanking

1. It's a very sad and sorry situation, scenario and practice by some realty sick boys. Ninny boys who are into S & M are jacking off while reading those 'mash notes' from their dominator bitches and get turned on while thinking about the 'discipline' they'll get next time they meet their favorite whore, they are wanking while thinking about the spankings they are gonna get.

2. When somebody is being a glutton for punishment. Kind of like 'cruising for a bruising'. ASKING for trouble.

1. Donald Treason tRump has shown the world in so many ways what an SMF he is. He talks incestuous lust about his daughter and there are pictures of the two together that would make a dog upchuck. He rapes, and has been convicted of it. He talks pervert trash ('the younger, the better'). He brags about 'grabbing em by the pussy'. He is an egotistical Caligula by every definition and description of that grossly deviant Roman emperor. And the stripper whore Stormy Daniels spilled the beans on '60 Minutes' about swatting his ass. il Douche Donald is a spankee boy. Shiiiiiiii-yiiiiiiiiitttttt, he's wanking for a spanking! DAMN!!!

2. Jeffrey is reading those stupid BDSM books and watching that Rihanna video again, he's wanking for a spanking!

3. Rikki is being a spoiled diva prima donna again. She's just wanking for a spanking to put her in her place! She's a big disgrace.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 22, 2023

wanking for a spanking

1. It's a very sad and sorry situation, scenario and practice by some realty sick boys. Ninny boys who are into S & M are jacking off while reading those 'mash notes' from their dominator bitches and get turned on while thinking about the 'discipline' they'll get next time they meet their favorite whore, they are wanking while thinking about the spankings they are gonna get.

2. When somebody is being a glutton for punishment. Kind of like 'cruising for a bruising'. ASKING for trouble.

1. Donald Treason tRump has shown the world in so many ways what an SMF he is. He talks incestuous lust about his daughter and there are pictures of the two together that would make a dog upchuck. He rapes, and has been convicted of it. He talks pervert trash ('the younger, the better'). He brags about 'grabbing em by the pussy'. He is an egotistical Caligula by every definition and description of that grossly deviant Roman emperor. And the stripper whore Stormy Daniels spilled the beans on '60 Minutes' about swatting his ass. il Douche Donald is a spankee boy. Shiiiiiiii-yiiiiiiiiitttttt, he's wanking for a spanking! DAMN!!!

2. Jeffrey is reading those stupid BDSM books and watching that Rihanna video again, he's wanking for a spanking!

3. Rikki is being a spoiled diva prima donna again. She's just wanking for a spanking to put her in her place! She's a big disgrace.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice December 22, 2023