shorthand for "yea whatever"
bob, that devout catholic down the street, is actually a closet satanist? yaw/e bitch.
The regret felt after you realize that you should not have provided your email address to someone who then sends various annoying and otherwise intrusive emails.
Nancy continues to send me those annoying chain emails and keeps wanting to get together with me. I e-gret the day I gave her my email address.
Elana. Sometimes confused with Gonja, which is a form of awesome marijuana.
I know a girl named E-Gonja. Sometimes her name is confused with "Gonja", which is a form of awesome marijuanna.
When an electronic inbox is suddenly dumped with tonnes of messages after extended holidays sans technology or long periods without mobile coverage.
I had been away from work for a month and after opening outlook, my inbox had a bad case of e-diarrhea.
The deliberate decision to go on vacation without a laptop computer, no smart phone, and no contact whatsoever with the cyber-world; or to take a break from such contact.
"I can't wait to go on our camping trip!"
"Can you survive roughing it in the middle of nowhere without tweeting or posting on Facebook?"
"You bet! I'm gonna enjoy my e-solation!"
the act of E screaming refers to the art of using your CAPS LOCK key during a typical conversation online
(usually on discord). This makes it seem like you are screaming in text, this may be good in some circumstance to provide more impact to the conversation. Although E screaming is often negatively associated with the misuse of the CAPS LOCK key.
Viktor: how are you doing today??
Abdi: im doing exceptional
Simon: stop E screaming
A player of a (usually online) video game, who will fight to the death no matter how overwhelming the odds are against them. Even when defeat is certain, players with e-bushido will never quit the game before they have been totally defeated.
Derived from the Japanese "Bushido" code, which forbade samurai from surrendering.
Player: He's already lost, why doesn't he quit?
Other player: He is e-bushido, he wont give up until he has lost
Player: Wow he has no life