Every man wants to be him and all the women want him. He is hilarious, good looking and a good friend. He’ll go to hell and back just to make sure your good. The epitome of perfect speaks… Alfredo Ricky
Guy: hey bro, that’s my girl your talking to!
AR: chill my guy, I’m Alfredo Ricky…
guy: my bad man! Just don’t have her out to late! Thank bruh
One Of rick sanchez's catchphrases Oh And Wubbalubbadubdub!
To attend an event that you know you will either not return to at anytime in the future or be invited back to so you take the opportunity to not give a single fuck.
Pulling a Ricky G: based on Ricky Gervais hosting the 2019 Golden Globes Award: You'll be pleased to know this is the last time I'm hosting these awards, so I don't care anymore. I'm joking. I never did. I'm joking, I never did. NBC clearly don't care either — fifth time. I mean, Kevin Hart was fired from the Oscars for some offensive tweets — hello?
Lucky for me, the Hollywood Foreign Press can barely speak English and they've no idea what Twitter is, so I got offered this gig by fax. Let's go out with a bang, let's have a laugh at your expense. Remember, they're just jokes. We're all gonna die soon and there's no sequel, so remember that.