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Emo hair

Sexy hot hair, greasy looking, usually black, falls in boys eyes in a "I wanna brush your hair off your face kinda way" shaggy and ADORABLE

I want emo hair....


by xXBright EyesXx February 26, 2005

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shotgun hair

The hair that Emo kids have nowadays.
Normal bangs in the front, with an explosion of spiky out the back.

It looks like a shotgun suicide.

All the girls on myspace wear too much eyeliner and have shotgun hair

by TheShaman July 10, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

wookiee hair

Wookiee hair is a term used by people when they are in need of a hair cut or are having a bad hair day. The term wookiee is derived from the popular fictional Star Wars universe race who are completely covered in hair, hirsute bipeds. The most notable Wookiee is Chewbacca. The term Chewbacca hair or rat's nest may also replace wookiee hair.

I was talking to Vincent and he said: "Holy fuck, I have a job interview today, I got a hair cut because I looked like I had wookiee hair".

by fargo123 April 15, 2010

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Shopper's Hair

when you go shopping a lot and when you try on a lot of shirts and then look in the mirror...your hair is all messed up

I got Shopper's Hair because i was in a hurry to try on all the shirts in that store, now i really need a brush

by Lizbeth77 June 12, 2008

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Josuke's hair

The ugliest object to ever exist in the history of Morioh.
It looks like a burnt steak and tastes even worse.
Those who insult it seem to mysteriously disappear only to be found dead with no physical blemishes.
It may also be used to describe anything else that looks terribly vile.

Rohan: Bruh that piece of dog poo looks like Josuke's hair.
Okyasu: Uh oh
The next day
"Morio cho radioooo...
Local manga artist Rohan Kishbe was found dead in a lake"

by megabruhmomerbingus March 16, 2021

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Hair Metal

The worst "music" ever created. Loved by wannabe badasses, groupies, fashion queers, frat boys, pop culture whores, corporate fucks and other lame deluded morons with no sense of musical talent. People associated with Hair Metal love to blame it's demise on Alternative Rock music(also known as REAL rock music, for you dumbasses.) But in reality, hair metal demised because people were sick of how artificial it was. It was pop based metal, for fucks sake. It wasn't killed by the rise of grunge. It wasn't even killed by thrash metal. How was it killed? People just got sick of the same shit that Hair Metal spewed out. Cheesy love songs made no other than to sellout and get into women's pants. Seriously, you all make me sick. Atleast Alternative Rock's lyrics actually have meaning.

Here is proof Hair Metal sucks and has no meaningful lyrics:

For Hair Metal, we have Warrant's lyrics to "Cherry Pie". Lets see how "meaningful" their lyrics are compared to Alternative Rock:

"She's my cherry pie
Cool drink of water
Such a sweet surprise
Tastes so good
Make a grown man cry
Sweet Cherry Pie

Now for Alternative, we have Alice in Chains' lyrics to "Sunshine". Lets see how meaningful their lyrics are compared to Hair Metal:

"Sunshine...sweet love my labor
Don't mind...I don't care no more

Memory, set me free, yeah
I don't care no more
Mother please, come for me

Can you face the question?
Is my soul entire?

Sunshine...sweet love my labor
Don't mind...I don't care no more"

Which lyrics have more meaning? It should be obvious that Alice in Chains' lyrics are more meaningful and kill Warrant's.

Now, let's have another test to let me confirmed that hair metal is artificial.

This is Motley Crue's "Girls Girls Girls" lets see how "meaningful" the lyrics are:

"Girls, Girls, Girls
At the Dollhouse in Ft. Lauderdale
Girls, Girls. Girls
Rocking in Atlanta at Tattletails
Girls, Girls, Girls
Raising Hell at the 7th Veil Have you read the news
In the Soho Tribune
Ya know she did me
Well then she broke my heart"

Now we have Smashing Pumpkins' "Today", lets see how meaningful the lyrics are:

"Pink ribbon scars
That never forget
I've tried so hard
To cleanse these regrets
My angel wings
Were bruised and restrained
My belly stings"

Obviously "Today" takes the reward. Who in the hell finds "Girls, Girls, Girls" meaningful?? Hair Metal was crap, so move on.

by Someone who knows his shit September 25, 2006

829๐Ÿ‘ 710๐Ÿ‘Ž

ginger hair

Ginger hair is the colour of someone's hair and that is all! People find it (I dunno what they even find it) something and decide to pick on people with ginger hair and it's not right

1. Because we're the same as all you brown/blonde/black/whatever coloured hair u have

2. Because only 2% of the world is ginger (how cool is that)
3. Because it's an AWESOME colour of hair
4. because it's a form of bullying
5. Do you need any more reasons

Right way
Person 1- I love your hair
Person 2- thanks

Person 1- I love the ginger colour
Person 2- I like YOUR hair, they're so many shades of blond
Person 1- ginger hair is so cool
Wrong way
Person 1- I hate gingers
Person 2- why
Person 1- they're coming to kill you
Person 2- in your sleep

(God how stupid can these people get)

by heyoh yeah December 6, 2014

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