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Voodoo Math

Also known as “Haiti Math”—voodoo is an unofficial religion practiced in Haiti. Math word problems that use zombies or monsters as their characters to teach dark problem solving.

An example of a grade two voodoo math question is: “The line graph shows the weekly number of zombies that were caught by the police during the six-week nationwide lockdown. Use the diagram to answer the following questions.

a) How many more zombies were caught in April than in May?
b) If the zombies were able to bite a victim before they were caught, what is the least number of zombie bites that took place during the entire lockdown?”

by MathPlus May 12, 2021

54👍 78👎

Math as Propaganda

When both developed and developing nations are receptive to adopting a foreign or an alien math curriculum, or part of it, because of its rich or creative content—when they recognize that there is much to gain and no political agenda in embracing it.

Singapore, an island-state that has punched above its academic or economic weight, is using math as propaganda to endear itself to both rich and poor nations—its top ranking in international comparative studies like PISA and TIMSS adds weight to its mathematical credential.

by MathPlus July 16, 2018

269👍 366👎

Oil Math

The math used by oil executives or anyone else to calculate the flow of oil or some other liquid from a well with full knowledge that the numbers mean nothing, because they really have no way of knowing the real answer.

Bill: Say Jim, how much water do you think is pouring out from that fire hydrant we just hit?
Jim: Well, to me it looks like about 45 gallons per second.
Bill: How can you tell?
Jim: Oil Math

by lmc94 June 10, 2010

3👍 1👎

maths pathway

A gay math program that teaches students how to play Cool Math Games on their laptop

Student 1: Oh no we have math now
Student 2: Nah its fine we have maths pathway
Student 1: So we can play Papa's Pizzeria the whole time?
Student 2: Yup

by 12 year old fan club August 27, 2019

3👍 1👎

DEI Math

Short for “Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Math.” Math products or services that right-wing math educators and MAGA parents have chastised for their “woke” content, and have called on their lawmakers to censor them from their states to protect the young minds from “foreign indoctrination.”

Some Singapore math publishers have apparently been warned by some white Taliban curriculum censors in some red states—they need to remove pages that promote multicultural or DEI math, such as depicting Chinese, Arabic, and Hindu numerals for the numbers one to nine, or stating that the theorem named after Pythagoras was known to Chinese and Egyptian mathematicians long before the Greek numerologist was born.

by Fasters June 5, 2023

24👍 37👎

math monkey

An individual with exceptional math abilities or aptitude.

Complementary term

We all spent the morning trying to figure out the problem and we finally called a math monkey in Accounting.

The company was looking for a math monkey that could not only complete the calucations but understood the formulas.

In Algebra 2 the math monkey understood things without opening the book.

by Investments4cash August 22, 2017

3👍 1👎

math nation

A website math teachers use when they are too lazy to teach. It consists of multiple sections which have many videos and a section test. It usually becomes extremely hated by the students after a short period of time.

Teacher: Watch some videos on Math Nation for homework!

by hi8877875 February 17, 2018

3👍 1👎