A term describing Touma, a no-good guy with a neutering ability or a curse from God that nullifies all non-physical attacks on him.
He unaware that he built a harem with 9,000+ clones, a nun with the Vatican's most forbidden books, 2 Japanese Christian members, Rail Gun, and among others.
Somebody who's an "UnLUCKY Bastard!" shut that sadist boy.
When you are trying to insult someone in a Scottish accent and the only thing you can think of is "Bastard jummy"
N. An infant weasel or similar rodent that has been abandoned by it's parental figures, or potentially has a sound cloud rapper father that has neglected his fatherly responsibilities
Adj. A poorly formed insult created in the spur of the moment during a meltdown, intended to deliver a crucial blow to the victim; however, they are often left confused and unintended
Synonyms: Parakeet-Bitch, Douche Canoe, Ass Cat
N. "Look at that poor weasel-bastard out in the cold night alone"
Adj. "You're a weasel-bastard for interfering with our marriage"
A drink made of a mix of cheap red wine and cheap white wine.
Usually made when there is not enough of either bottle left for a full glass.
You can usually find me on the weekends in my pjs, drinking bastard rosé and watching netflix.
A person who was unintentionally conceived through masturbatory semen.
Fuck off Mike. Your mother sat on a pile of cum on a toilet seat at a barn party back in '92 which consequently produced you. You're just a filthy fap bastard.
A way to describe Falkirk Council and Scottish Power
Falkirk Council: "geez £270 so a can fill a pothole with coco popps"
Tim: "fuck off ya robbing bastard"
Scottish Power: "We will be increasing the leckie bill from £12,750,000 a week to £750,450,780.
Mahmood: "Cannae dae that a robbing Bastards"
A word used in northern Ireland to describe someone who is good craic or mental or not wise in the head
See at Kyle he's a mad bastard. How come? He punched a double sided window through