The act of deleting friends on Facebook whom you haven't talked to in a long time and/or don't plan on talking to again. Sometimes done to escape bad memories of a person or past.
I've gotta do some serious friend thinning... I've got 2000 friends on Facebook and I haven't talked to most of 'em since high school.
when your friend makes a wack ass joke and you have visceral anger in your heart but they're your friend so you love them
Friend A: "Do you use conditioner?"
Friend B: "Conditioner? I hardly know her!"
Friend A: "I friend hate you so much."
When an individual adds a large number of people as friends on Facebook in an attempt to appear more popular than they really are. This is despite the fact that they have never actually met any of the invited 'friends'.
Person 1: WTF? I just got a friend request on Facebook from some random I've never even met! Says she's someone's sister or something.
Person 2: Yeah, I know, I got one from her too, as did everyone from our school. Don't stress, she's not a stalker. It looks like she's just friend farming.
Person 1 clicks "Ignore" with a shudder
A meme friend, sometimes refered to as, " the meme of the friend" is the lowest form of friendship. Often the kind of person who would " break one's arm, in two places". A meme friend might not meet up with you at the weekend, or suddenly disappear. If you are called a, "meme friend" it means they prefer some other friend/ friend group. To be "more than a meme friend" this might inflict a "special" relationship between two people. Futhermore, a meme friend isn't a serious friend, only one that you don't take seriously, which you can't talk to about your life problems. Finally, to call someone a, "meme friend" is highly offencive, to not apologise to your victim, is very harsh and unforgivable.
" I don't see you guys as my real friends... you're more like my, "MEME FRIENDS"!
"Hey, do you think James will come out at the weekend", response, " Nah, he's more of a, MEME FRIEND".
Offensively; " You're such a MEME friend! I hate you!"
This is the friend in ones group who is the most extreme and willing to shed all dignity in order to gain laughs from any given audience. He may be a little racist and if multiple people chant his name, he will get naked and do the mangina while raising his hands as if he just stuck a landing in an Olympic gymnastics competition.
Henwood is my gnarliest friend.
Someone you don't necessarily like, but are forced to be friends with anyway.
A reference to creator Myspace Tom Anderson; who is automatically on a user's friend list when they create their profile.
Person 1: Jim is totally a Tom friend. I've known him since first grade and our moms know each other; not being friends with him isn't an option.
fake friends are like fake news. They are not reliable or real.
You: why is they such a fake friends?
Other person: because they’re fake news!