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Daddy Joseph Morgan

Daddy Joseph Morgan is the most perfect human in the entire world. He has an 12 inch big dick and is super romantic. He has the perfect british accent and has the most beautiful smile.

‘’ Who is that guy with the 12 inch big dick?’’

“ Oh, thats just Daddy Joseph Morgan”

by amywashertehe February 16, 2021

St. Joseph, Mo

The worst place to live in the world. Whether it be from the redneck South siders, or the white trash north enders, or your cross between preps and gangstas from the middle of the city. People all follow everyone else on what to wear and no one has originality. Only about 6 people ever have come out of this city and actually done something worth while with their lives. Kids go from wearing all American eagle to Abercrombie to Holister, to the newest crave which seems to have just appeared and taken this shit hole over POLO. PLACE FUCKING SUCKS...big gulps huh? Welp see ya later!!!

Jane- "I hate living here"
Tarzan- " At least it's not as bad as St. Joseph, Mo"
Jane- "Your always right Tarzan"

by HATER1444 January 28, 2010

57👍 29👎

Joseph Pollizatto

Annnnooyinnnnng talkativee idiootttt

moron joseph pollizatto

by poz11779 April 19, 2011

1👍 4👎

St. Joseph's College

located over a 30-acre lakeside campus in Patchogue, Long Island, "The Teaching College" prepares undergrads to become "Future Teachers of America." "St. Joe's," as it is affectionately referred to by current students, offers students a great education at relatively low cost (70% of students recieve some form of financial aid/scholarship!)

St. Joe's is also known for its comprehensive business major and related concentrations, and offers a full range of other majors and programs besides teaching and business.

For the fifth year in a row, the 2007 ranking of America’s Best Colleges by U.S. News and World Report named St. Joseph's College to the top tier of the "Northern Comprehensive Colleges – Bachelor’s" category.

St. Joseph's has two campuses, one on Long Island (Suffolk County)and the other in Brooklyn. Even though the L.I. campus is mostly a commuter school, don't let that fool you.
Lasting friendships ensue due to a strong sense of community on campus: student government, campus activities board, dozens of clubs and greek life opprotunities await!
Oh--and most of the parties are pretty sick.

I've met so many awesome people while going to school at St. Joseph's College, if only they could fix that web registration!

by NicoleSJC March 14, 2007

12👍 6👎

joseph sears school

prison for prudes

she hot but she goes to joseph sears school...

by urmom172376271 March 3, 2017

6👍 2👎

Joseph Adam Jonas

Every teenage girl would bow at his feet.
And if he said breathing wasn't cool, 90% of teenage girls would drop dead. That's how much of a heartthrob he is.
He is the hottest thing on this planet.
He is in a band which consists of Paul Kevin Jonas II, Nicholas Jerry Jonas, and himself as the Jonas Brothers.

"The hottest boy band in the United States."
No joke.

You will orgasm by the sight of him, and the sound of his voice will make you melt into a puddle of love.
He's THAT amazing.

Another thing...
we gaurantee that his next girlfriend will be murdered my a mass number of Jonas fans.
No doubt about it.

So ladies... watch out.

"Joseph Adam Jonas? Don't you mean THE SEXIEST MAN TO WALK THE FACE OF THIS EARTH?!"

by MinaGoedker July 11, 2008

107👍 89👎

st joseph's academy

located in the wealthiest area in st louis, the population of this all girls high school only cares about three things...money, sports, and partying. and even though thir mascot is the angels...believe me...they're all far from that. this school is filled with the rich-bitches from all over st louis.

-a parking lot filled with BMWs...that is the st joseph's academy parking lot.
- a school next door to a neiman marcus...st joseph's academy
- a school that has so many state banners that they can barely fit on the walls of their gym...saint joseph's academy

by guess_whoo12 June 3, 2009

90👍 74👎