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In other news, the sky is blue

A great alternative to boring sentences like "thanks, Captain Obvious" or "no shit, Sherlock."
When someone says something so obvious that it should be more common knowledge than the color of the sky.

"holy shit guys i just realized that rage against the machine is advocating against capitalism"
"in other news, the sky is blue"

by Long Sohn Jilvers October 31, 2021

Blue Sky Rocket Fuel

It's a caffiene drink that has 1000mg of caffiene per ounce. It's really intense, and if you drink to much of it, you might really fuck yourself up.

It's totally tasty!

Person 1: I had some Blue Sky Rocket Fuel, and I totally went crazy!

Person 2: Holy shit, do you know what they stuff can do to you?

by Full time hater, part time lover. May 13, 2005

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light up the sky

To trip on LSD. During a psychedelic trip dark places, like the sky at night, are good background for hallucinations. On a trip, you see more than just stars and clouds.

"Drop 200 mics and light up the sky!"

by West Empire Anarcho January 4, 2006

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Sky High Shit Fuck

Haveing anal sex while falling out of an airplane while the other person has Mud butt (see mud butt)

I totaly sky high shit fucked that chick from the bar the other day when we went sky diving, it got all over my clothes!

by Brodie2571 September 10, 2010

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Bickering over the blue sky

When someone invents spurious arguments or seeks disharmony through contradiction or exageration with the sole aim of annoying the other relentlessly.

The wish to constantly upset the other using any verbal means possible.

It is the endlessness of the antagonism that elevates it above a mere Arguvate, Hissy Fit or Tantrum.

Example 1
Tourist: "Look at the yellow sand we are walking on!"
Young Woman: "What sand?"
Tourist: "The sand we are walking on!!!"
Young Woman: "That's not sand, it's beach soil... and it's not yellow!"
Tourist: "Please... don't start Bickering over the Blue Sky with me"
Young Woman: "I'm not!"

Example 2
Friend: "How was your holiday?"
Tourist: "Terrible... we Bickered over the blue sky for 2 weeks solid"
Friend: "Sorry Bro... sounds like she didn't want to be with you"

by Alt Dot October 2, 2010

theres more stars in the sky

Man fuck the saying "theres more fish in the sea" nobody want these ugly ass staking ass fish.

Man theres more stars in the sky

by Jerimiha July 4, 2019

can i have a sky

Means: you have drink of something not touching your mouth but holding so you can get the liquid in the mouth

Hey can I have a sky of your water

by Imamaster101 February 4, 2018

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