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rusty stamp

The act of performing anal intercourse and subsequently slapping a left and right hammer strike with a stool stained member on the hips of an unsuspecting partner (regardless of sex).

After a few too many drinks at the shooter bar, I took Annie home and posted her with a rusty stamp!

by sirlixalot September 25, 2010

Douche Stamp

A hickey left on you by a douche that breaks up with you via email the day after receiving the stamp.

Do you have some make-up for my douche stamp?

by Babardouchebaginator May 15, 2010


a code word for acid

"how strong are your stamps?", "I have to buy some stamps today. see you later!"

by olivurrr October 10, 2020


A abbreviation for Stampy, the best youtuber to ever live.

P1: I just watched stamps new video
P2: ew you still watch him he’s old

by Queen Catmow September 7, 2019


names that are stamped on wax bags used to contain heroin

hey i know someone with really good stamps nice and fat like pillows

by shawn30 January 13, 2021


to press your asscheeks on someone's face and leaving the essence of ass on their face so everyone else knows they were eating ass

Guy 1: Ayo, why is bro over there smilin like that?
Guy 2: Bruh it smells like ass n pussy all over this room, mans j got stamped.

Guy 1: Damn I'm tryna get stamp someone rn.
Guy 2: Let's go big boy

by shoddyyy September 18, 2021


A term used to refer to people who fit the mold of mainstream society and/or don’t color outside the lines. Similar to the other slang term, NPC as in a person who is not the main character. But “stamp” is less dehumanizing and also less commonly used. Originates from the expression “to rubber stamp” something as in approve it without much thought or deliberation.

Did Emily want to come to the house show tonight?
Nah, she doesn’t get it. She’s a stamp.

by xxgrandadsfavorite December 4, 2024