When you have reached the breaking point, and have now gone bald from malding. There's is no point in returning, you have now gone full on cueball.
I am at MALD ZERO my guy, these malachites won't let me live for one damn minute!
when u have to start over
we kept trying to beat the levels but when we died it would bring us back to buck zero (to square one)
Someone who puts a million songs in the jukebox at the bar and all of them are easy listening
That jukeblox zero just jammed up the machine for an hour with Barry Manilow
When someone is giving two male partners a handy while on either side of them, one in each hand that is making the "zero" gesture, while kneeling.
Dang, did that chick on Jeopardy just display the Cambodian double-zero?
A holiday established in 2024, Zero Fucksgiving is the counter to Thanksgiving, and is celebrated the 4th Thursday of May. Because it is not yet recognized as a national holiday, revelers opt to celebrate it on the following weekend.
During Zero Fucksgiving, participants are encouraged to leave their Fucks at the door (preferably on a poster, so that it can be ceremoniously burned at the end of the evening). Karaoke and temporary tattoos are encouraged, as are other activities where participants can demonstrate the few fucks they give.
If participants begin to share "too many Fucks," other revelers are encouraged to inundate them with toxic positivity.
"I can't wait for Zero Fucksgiving this year. I literally can't give any more fucks."
Thomas get off the game now and go to sleep GROUND ZERO!!!!!!
U chillin with the homies and your step dad burst into the room ground zero