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What the figo?

Better way of saying "what the fuck is going on?" and more convenient than saying W.T.F.I.G.O. Can be used as a replacement for "what's up?" or "what's happening?".

What the figo ma dude?

Did I just see a naked homeless man running down my street? What the figo?

You never told me you had an STD? What the figo with you?!

by emkay27 February 13, 2010

What's moves

What are we doing later on?

What's moves, fam?

by Win son March 22, 2017

What the ielq

An expression of surprise or shock, commonly in response to information or a situation which elicits said emotions.

"ielq" is pronounced as "jelq" /dʒelk/

The phrase if often accommodated by a gif depicting Carl “CJ” Johnson, from the game “Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas”, being flung into the sky by a “Doom-Shroom”, from the game “Plants vs. Zombies”, exploding in a thermonuclear explosion.

"Your copy of GTA:SA has exploded"

"What the ielq????"

by catt0215 April 27, 2023

What the frunk????

When something happens like???? What the frunk????

What the frunk???? why are you doing that????

by mmmmmmBilly April 26, 2017

what's cherry?

A friendly way of asking how someone is. An alternative and fruity way of saying "What's up?"

Friend: Hey Khush, what's cherry?
Khush: Oh nothing much, it's been a long day. I had a lot of work to do and I am tired.
Friend: Dang bro, get some sleep!

by LittleKhush December 31, 2019

what a way to

to express sarcasm;how can you

What a way to ruin someone else's day!

by Muggle'sNeck February 2, 2017

what the fats!

"what the fats!" is a very similar to what the hell,what the mess? we can use this when some fat people violate you while you walk or standing in the crowded place.

what the fats!! are you blind!!

by J.Laiho October 19, 2010